The Uva Provincial Development Plan was launched on 17 October 2019 setting out a blueprint for development for the next five years for the Province. UNDP supported the Planning Division of the Uva Provincial Council in the development of the integrated multi-sectoral plan which is testament to the commitment and hard work of a wide number of stakeholders including the Provincial Council, respective District Secretaries, key line Ministries, and officials across the Provincial departments and planning staff.
Developed with funds from the European Union, the Provincial Development Plan establishes the tone for transformative development in the region with the use of results based management, intensive stakeholder consultations and evidence based planning. More than 22 sectors under the purview of the Uva Provincial Council and Central Government agencies, including community based organizations and NGOs, were actively engaged in the development process. Stakeholder consultations were conducted in two phases: community consultations and institutional stakeholder consultations. Plan developers created considerable space for active community involvement in the exercise which has paved the way to ensure that community voices are heard in identifying and addressing development priorities for the province.
The Provincial Plan consists of four key sectors: Food and Agriculture; Infrastructure Development; Human Development; and Industrial & Business Development. In addition to the Provincial Development Plan, 22 sector plans have been prepared with an assessment of the current status, issues and challenges as well as outcomes, outputs, activities and budget estimates for identified key sectors. Provincial development targets have been aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the integrated multi-sectoral approach to the plan helps to advance progress towards achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in Sri Lanka.
As the Uva Provincial Council gears towards implementation of the plan, a donor forum will be organized to mobilise resources and financial support for implementation. Community consultations played a central role in the development of the plan and active community involvement and leadership will be critical to ensure that the visionary agenda to create a better future for the people in the Uva Province is achieved.
As part of EU Catalytic Support to Peacebuilding Project, UNDP supported five out of the nine Provincial Councils (Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Central, North Central and North Western) to develop five-year vision-oriented, results based, provincial plans with the integration of SDGs.