On Giving Tuesday, choose to localize your impact

November 27, 2023
Woman in blue headscarf holds infant

Giving Tuesday supports women-owned businesses in Northern Ethiopia as they recover from conflict.

Photo: UNDP Ethiopia

Every year, a global generosity movement takes place on the first Tuesday right after Thanksgiving in the US. Created in 2012, Giving Tuesday impacts local and global organizations. Though started in the US, the movement's power benefits communities worldwide. From volunteering to giving to causes through digital giving, Giving Tuesday mobilizes people to do good. This year, the annual celebration of generosity will happen on November 28, 2023.

This year, on Giving Tuesday, at UNDP, we highlight the efforts of our Country Offices, who worked so hard to launch their digital giving campaigns. Through our individual giving campaigns, we're providing people the opportunity to localize their impact.

Rebuild Her Business is an example of how local changes can have a global impact with the support of digital giving. After launching their first digital giving campaign in August, the UNDP Ethiopia team continues to work towards uplifting women and building back their business and communities fractured by conflict. 

The campaign’s objective is to support 1,000 women business owners in Northern Ethiopia that conflict has impacted to build back their businesses through US$500 working capital. Rebuild Her Business offers a unique opportunity to support vulnerable women who are in hard-to-reach places and many of whom were exposed to gender-based violence.

Up til today, the campaign has raised more than $100,000 from 2,806 contributors which will be able to support 200 women, and has partnered with two unique organizations. That’s the power of digital fundraising. People can take action that directly impacts their local community. 

Partnerships for the goal 

Crowd of people in green shirts preparing to run

Great Ethiopian Run participants on race day.

Photo: Great Ethiopian Run

Rebuild Her Business has been raising funds through individual donors and partnerships as a digital giving campaign. One key partner for the initiative was the international 10km race known as the Great Ethiopian Run. The race has been held in Addis Ababa for the past 23 years, attracting international athletes and residents. Aside from being the biggest road race in Africa, the run organizes a charity under its 'Run for a Cause' initiative to support and bring attention to local causes. This year, the Rebuild Her Business campaign was chosen as the official charity campaign. 

“We have created a big platform with the Great Ethiopian Run, and since 2005, we have been hosting 'Run for A Cause' to create an impact beyond the joy of running in the society by supporting a charity organization. This year, it was easy to partner with the Rebuild Her Business campaign because there was a specific target and supporting a woman rebuild her business is supporting a family.” – Dagmawit Amare, General Manager at Great Ethiopian Run 

The run was an excellent opportunity for people to donate to the campaign while participating in a fun activity. Great Ethiopia Run dedicated 2,500 running t-shirts for the campaign and a special medal for the first 50 people who raised money for at least one woman. By buying t-shirts or making a pledge, organizations, and individuals donated to the campaign while participating in one of the highlight events of the year.

The 10K run was held on Sunday, November 19, in Addis Ababa, with more than 45,000 participants. Through the fund for the cause initiative, Rebuild Her Business raised more than $47,000 from local and international donors. The UN community in Ethiopia also participated in the runs with more than 442 participants who bought charity t-shirts and ran in the race. 

Ethiopia Diaspora Trust Fund

The Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF) is an organization that creates a powerful connection between those in need in Ethiopia and the diaspora. Over the past 5 years, the fund has mobilized more than 7 million dollars from the Ethiopian diaspora to support projects and dedicate crisis relief to help the most vulnerable Ethiopians. 

Seeing the strategic alignment with Rebuild Her Business, EDTF has pledged to support 100 women through the Rebuild Her Business campaign with a $50,000 donation. The partnership is not only to help these women but to lay a foundation for future work with UNDP in the peace support projects.

UNDP Ethiopia has been a great ally of EDTF since its inception in 2018 and has supported the trust to establish its presence in Ethiopia. This partnership is in a full circle moment as the institution UNDP once helped established is now contributing to the work we’re doing.

Montage of people holding up photo frames

Rebuild Her Business team at the Diplomatic Bazaar in Addis Ababa.

Photo: UNDP Ethiopia

What's next?

The need in Northern Ethiopia to rebuild and rehabilitate the conflict-impacted communities is great, and conflict exacerbates gender-based violence on already vulnerable women and girls. Alongside our work in Ethiopia on the peace support facility, Rebuild Her Business addresses women's empowerment so they can create a more significant impact within their communities. 

On this Giving Tuesday, stories like Rebuild Her Business demonstrate the power of giving. Though the target is to support 1,000 women, and there’s a long way to go, UNDP will start supporting the first 200 women while we continue digital fundraising. 

There are multiple ways to make a positive change in the lives of others. This Giving Tuesday, we thank all the partners and donors who continue to support our digital giving campaigns like Rebuild Her Business. We invite everyone to join this global movement by supporting Rebuild Her Business today. Achieving the 2030 Agenda is possible together. 

Woman stands outdoors in colourful headscarf

Rebuild Her Business addresses women's empowerment so they can create more significant impact within their communities.

Photo: UNDP Ethiopia