
Access to Energy & Climate Change


With 60% of Sudan’s population lacking access to electricity, modern, sustainable energy solutions are a key focus area for development and intrinsically linked to improvements in the provision of basic services like health, education, communications and safe drinking water.

Drawing on a strong legacy of access to energy initiatives, UNDP Sudan is currently expanding the use of renewable energy solutions to unlock Sudan’s rural development and economic potential, assist with stabilization, and support development in health, rural livelihoods and micro and small enterprises. In parallel, we are exploring new ways to improve access to energy for displaced and vulnerable groups, particularly in temporary or remote locations like refugee camps.

Simultaneously, we are working to safeguard Sudan’s environment, addressing environmental damage and the effects of the changing climate, utilizing best practices to mitigate the impact on ecosystems and lives, with more than USD 65M of multi-year programming focusing on climate-resilient rural development, livelihoods, and water initiatives underway.


With 65% of Sudan’s population residing in rural areas (many of whom rely on subsistence and traditional farming) and agriculture and livestock providing one-third of Sudan’s GDP, the loss or degradation of natural assets and the livelihoods they create poses a significant risk to Sudan’s development, economic potential and food security; an exacerbating factor for instability and conflict.

Addressing these challenges, through smart investment to build resilience to the most significant environmental threats and generate sustainable livelihoods, can create opportunities - particularly when combined with improved energy access.

UNDP has a proven track record in Sudan, through its knowledge and use of innovative financial solutions, climate security work, resilience building, and climate risk financing mechanisms. This is reinforced by policy, legislation, and research support.



Our solutions

  • Engaging closely with the private sector to expand the renewable energy industry in Sudan.
  • Promoting and increasing domestic commercial investment in solar mini-grids for more energy-intensive applications (e.g. cold chain products, ovens, mills, grinders), particularly in rural areas.
  • Providing electricity to health facilities in rural areas via decentralized solar-power systems, improving Sudan’s ability to respond to current and future health crises.
  • Installing solar technology, including streetlights, telecommunications and cooking facilities, in vulnerable areas.
  • Mobilizing national and international resources and facilitating partnerships to ensure climate resilient livelihoods in rural areas, and environmental protection initiatives.
  • Scaling up the adoption of home solar power systems and access in rural communities, utilizing innovative finance mechanisms.
  • Promoting and initiating wind power pilot projects in viable regions.


Achievements in 2021 include:

  • Distribution of seeds to farmers in drought areas as part of implementation of USD 41.2 million Green Climate Fund grant secured to support 3.7 million people with sustainable rural livelihoods, environmental protection, and water and food security.
  • Increased resilience to climate shocks and improved livelihoods in 11 states, benefiting approximately 100,000 people through climate change resilience and solar for agriculture projects
  • Distribution of 261 tons of certified seeds to farmers in 9 states – benefiting a total of 14,023 farmers (48% of whom were women).
  • Through our Climate Risk Finance and Solar for Agriculture projects, 46,720 people across eight states provided with greater access to water, increased crop yields and/or improved livelihoods.
  • Concluded a successful project for solar-powered water pumps for agricultural irrigation, generating further investment from multiple international organizations in solar agriculture systems, ahead of mass deployment of almost 2,000 pumps in 2022 – 2023.
  • Piloting of Photovoltaic (PV) solar mini-grids (2022-2026) with the main objective of developing them as a major avenue for rural electrification in Sudan and part of achieving Sudan’s 2030 target of 80% electrification.
  • Piloting development of standards, enforcement of regulations supporting energy-efficient products, and building an institutional framework capable of maintaining steady market development.
  • First ‘Solar Lab’ in Sudan established to provide certification and testing of all solar panel imports.
  • Policy support in creating strategies and frameworks that contribute to the structural transformation of the energy sector in Sudan, including enhancing the national capacity to integrate renewable energy in national development planning.
  • Supported the development of Sudan’s Biennial Report to the UNFCCC and update of the 'Nationally Determined Contribution' in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
  • Introduced drone-based crop yield monitoring, alongside mobile-based applications to connect farmers and pastoralists to weather forecasts, technical advisories, market information, and microfinance.
  • 25 automatic weather stations installed to provide timely weather forecasting data for climate-vulnerable farmers.


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