Local Mediators Leading Peace Efforts in the Arab States

Insider Mediator Efforts Supporting Social Cohesion and Peacebuilding in East Sudan

October 16, 2024
Sudan Peace Event

“Problems always start small in societies.”

Ali’s*, a local mediator in East Sudan, knows this all too well. His words carry the weight of his experience working on the ground, preventing conflicts before they escalate.  

“If a person [has] no awareness of early warning, it is possible that a small problem in a bakery or in a grocery store turns into a big social problem that destroys the green and dry." (meaning: destroys all good and bad things)

Sudan is home to over 10 million internally displaced persons (IDPs), the largest population of IDPs globally. Many have sought  refuge in three of the country’s 18 states: Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea State in eastern Sudan. This massive influx of IDPs has severely strained limited resources, intensifying tensions between  displaced populations and host communities, as well as among different ethnic groups, jeopardizing the chances for lasting peace. 

This is where Insider Mediators like Ali come in. These trusted community members play a critical role in mitigating the direct effects of the war by addressing and de-escalating local tensions before they escalate into violence. Whether it’s between IDPs and host communities or among different ethnic groups, monitor disputes, analyze patterns and act swiftly. Insider mediation is a localised approach to preventing conflict and sustaining peace, which empowers trusted community members to facilitate dialogue within their communities.

The Local Peacebuilder Network in East Sudan is a group of such mediators, addressing these tensions in Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea State. They are dedicated to fostering dialogue and building social cohesion, which can support conflict prevention and peacebuilding.  They are on the frontline of conflict prevention, trained to intervene before small problems grow into large-scale violence. 

Last month, 15 mediators from the network gathered to participate in a three-day workshop supported by UNDP and the Building Resilience Organization (BDRO) and led by the Clingendael Academy. The  mediators developed new prototypes for conflict-sensitive interventions and strategies tailored to the unique challenges of their communities. They evaluated these strategies based on relevance, scope, sustainability, impact, prioritization, and feasibility, stress-testing them with their peers before taking them into the field. 

This training is a part of a larger support system that includes  mental health and psychosocial services to help mediators manage the heavy burden of their work. support for instance.

This training is part of a larger support system that includes mental health and psychosocial services to help mediators manage the heavy burden of their work. Equipped with the right tools, they return to their communities ready to make an immediate impact, intervening where tensions rise and keeping peace within reach.

The work of Sudan’s Insider Mediators  is part of a broader UNDP regional project, “Sustaining Peace through Insider Mediation in the Arab States.” Funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the project connects mediators in  Jordan, Lebanon and Sudan, providing access to capacity building, peer learning, knowledge sharing, and small grants for community-led projects, sharing experiences and learning from one another to strengthen peace across borders. 

As part of its Inclusive Governance and Peacebuilding flagship portfolio, UNDP works with community leaders, civil society organizations, and local authorities to address the root causes of conflict. Whether it’s  competition over land and resources, political exclusion, hate speech or historical grievances, the goal is the same: to help pave the way for durable peace and sustainable development. 

“I say in my life, thank God. God helped me regarding Sudan's problems that are happening,” said Gisma*, another insider mediator who participated in the training. “This is something I am proud of and I can say I have rendered a service,” Gisma added, “I work day and night. And this is a very good thing The least simple problem before it grows up, I handle it.”

In a region where peace is often fragile, the work of Insider Mediators like Ali and Gisma provides hope. Their ability to prevent conflict through dialogue, trust, and swift intervention shows that even in the most challenging environments, peace is possible, if we start small.