Gender Equality Strategy 2024 - 2026

Gender Equality Strategy 2024 - 2026

July 1, 2024

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) is fundamental to Syria’s recovery, peace, and development. UNDP Syria has launched its first Gender Equality Strategy (GES) 2024 - 2026 to advance gender justice, women’s empowerment, and agency. Developed through extensive stakeholder consultations, the strategy aligns with the 2024 - 2026 Country Programme Document (CPD) and promotes locally led, gender-transformative approaches to addressing inequalities.

The GES focuses on three key areas: local socio-economic recovery and social cohesion, local governance and service delivery, and climate change adaptation and natural resource management. It emphasizes increasing women’s participation in decision-making, improving access to resources and services, and engaging men as allies in gender equality efforts. UNDP Syria will integrate GEWE into institutional systems, strengthen accountability, and invest $35 million to reduce vulnerabilities and ensure women’s active role in peacebuilding and sustainable development.

The strategy outlines the GEWE situation in Syria, a theory of change, programmatic and institutional priorities, and an action plan for implementation. Annexes provide detailed guidance, including gender equality outcomes, indicators, and suggested approaches to effectively implement the strategy.

The UNDP Syria Gender Equality Strategy (GES) 2024–2026 aligns with the Regional Gender Equality Strategy for the Arab States 2024–2026, which emphasizes transforming power relations and dedicating resources to achieve gender equality. Both strategies prioritize integrating gender equality across all programmatic areas and strengthening institutional accountability to promote women's empowerment and sustainable development.