[Closed] Strengthening preparedness and response capacity

Strengthening preparedness and response capacity

The Project on “Strengthening preparedness and response capacity” was funded by the Government of the Russian Federation and implemented by UNDP Tajikistan. The total amount of the project was 1,650,000 US dollars with the duration of June 2016 – June 2018.

Project Summary

The project aimed to build the capacities of the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (COES) in preparedness to disaster response operations. The Component 1 of the project focused on establishment of a Unified Emergency Preparedness and Response System for emergency situations to ensure better coordination of the preparedness and response amongst government structures. In particular the legislation basis was reviewed to develop a roadmap for setting this system, based on the Russian model of unified preparedness and response system, including development of the system protocols and SOPs.

The Component 2 of the project supplemented Component 1 by building the technical capacities on disaster preparedness and response and targets the Search and Rescue teams. In addition to existing gaps, a capacity needs assessment, institutional and technical was conducted with special focus to central SAR teams. Procurement of heavy machinery to improve preparedness and to enable timely and qualified response was prioritized within this component. By the end of this project, it was expected that the government structures will be able to coordinate effectively and the development of response plan in case of disasters and lead the search and rescue interventions.


·       Component 1: Establish a Unified Emergency Preparedness and Response System for emergency situations

Activity 1.1.: A review of relevant legislation in Tajikistan to develop a roadmap on establishment of a Unified State Emergency Preparedness and Response System based on the model of the Russian Unified State Emergency Preparedness and Response System.

Activity 1.2.: Development of secondary legislation, protocols and procedures for the implementation of a Unified State Emergency Preparedness and Response System for Tajikistan.

Activity 1.3.: Development of training materials on coordination of preparedness and response.

Activity 1.4.: Provision of a series of trainings to all Civil Defense and Commission-level officials in the implementation of the Unified State Emergency Preparedness and Response System.

Activity 1.5.: Conduct field/tabletop exercises to demonstrate understanding and capacity to implement the Unified System.

·       Component 2: Strengthening the search and rescue capacities of Tsentrospas (CoES SAR Department), including human capacities and technical resource base, so that search and rescue works are undertaken in a timely and efficient fashion.

Activity 2.1.: An operations requirements-based assessment of SAR needs and capacities in Tajikistan.

Activity 2.2.: Conduction of capacity needs assessment of COES, including equipment and training to efficiently respond to disasters.

Activity 2.3.: Conducting search and rescue training and providing additional SAR equipment.

Activity 2.4.: Development of a business plan to ensure sustainability of disaster response operations implemented by CoES, including the procurement and use of heavy machinery;

Activity 2.5.: Procurement of heavy rescue equipment based on the capacity needs assessment conducted.


Component 1: Establishment of a Unified State Emergency Preparedness and Response System

·       Development of full package for conduction of field exercise by experts of RSI Emercom;

·       Two days tabletop exercise to demonstrate understanding and capacity to implement the Unified System in response coordination was conducted by RSI Emercom experts.

Component 2: Conduction of capacity needs assessment of COES, including equipment and training to efficiently respond to disasters.

Based on capacity needs assessment the CoES capacity were built through provision of:

·       11 heavy machinery

·       Mobile seismic diagnostic equipment;

·       196 units of SAR equipment;

·       Training under INSARAG experts guidance; 

·       Digital mobile radio stations, transceivers and repeaters (ICOM);

·       Study tour to Kyrgyzstan to learn more on commercial structure for O&M of heavy machinery.

Project partners

Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (CoES), Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia), and All Russian Science Research Institute for Civil Protection and Disaster Management of EMERCOM of Russian.