Women from ethnic minorities

Gender Equality

UNDP Thailand

Towards an equal and inclusive society

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable society. Women and girls remain disadvantaged and have limited equal access to rights or opportunities same as men and boys. Traditional stereotypes lead to such inequalities and not only affect just men and women, but LGBTI people and other vulnerable groups. Those with intersecting vulnerabilities face even more challenges as many are denied their basic rights. 

UNDP in its role as the integrator of the SDGs, is positioned to address gender inequality, marginalization, and violence in a holistic approach. Gender equality and social inclusion is not only a commitment, it is an  aspiration in every project and programme at UNDP. We leverage partnerships with national and local stakeholders of all sectors to address gender-based violence, stigma, discrimination, stereotyping, and empower women and all vulnerable groups in all areas of development. 


female Labour force participation rate (2021)


of seats in parliament were held by women (2021):


cases of violence against women each year reported to the Ministry of Public Health


of women aged 20–24 years old were married or in a union before age 18


of women aged 15-49 years reported that they had been subject to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner


of LGBT respondents reported verbal harassment (2019)

Work we do

In line with UNDPs ambitious Gender Equality Strategy (2022-2025), UNDP in Thailand has over the years taken steps to shift power structures and the economic, social, and political systems that perpetuate discrimination, to ensure a more inclusive, safe and sustainable society for all genders. 

UNDP Thailand’s programmatic investments informed by its Country Programme Document (2022-2026) engages at sub-national levels among communities and fosters dialogues and empowerment of vulnerable groups, particularly women, LGBTQI groups, youth, elderly people, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities, ensuring their access to services and inclusion in decision-making processes.

The climate emergency has further aggravated its impacts, not affecting everyone equally. UNDP through its gender-responsive and inclusive solutions in national and subnational climate priorities and biodiversity conservation initiatives, is strengthening climate action and increasing resilience of vulnerable communities across Thailand. 

Rapid digitalization has impacts, with potential for widening inequalities but also with enormous power to help close gender gaps in access to and use of technology. UNDP will encourage digital transformation through public sector operating systems, improving digital literacy, infrastructure and platforms, contributing to a skilled labour force and an efficient public sector to reach the most vulnerable, including women with disabilities and from ethnic communities.

Leveraging its signature solutions on governance, poverty and gender, UNDP supports the strengthening of capacity of public institutions and civil society in participatory planning and implementing policies on inclusive social services and protection, addressing gender-responsive and inclusive service delivery, especially for people at risk of being left behind.

Our numbers show

  • Over 2,000 sex workers across Thailand received support to improve their resilience and 20 transgender women sex workers received vocational training during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 55 women with disabilities participated in trainings on digital skills to bridge existing knowledge gap
  • Over 100 SMEs owned by women received training on promoting diversity and inclusion in their business 
  • More than 400 local administration offices throughout the country trained on gender mainstreaming, gender responsive budgeting and LGBTI inclusion 
  • Over 200 Buddhist and Muslim women in the Southern border provinces become early adopters of social innovation processes and collaboration in the design and action for livelihood development initiatives, public service, citizen participation, youth empowerment, and policy advocacy in their localities. 
  • Around 300 Ethnic Minority Women engaged to promote their rights, through policy dialogues with MPs, and capacitating skills including medial training for their community development.   

Video series: UNDP with LGBTI Network in Thailand

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