Robust Progress Towards SDG Localization in Tak

SDG Localization Project Monitoring in Tak Province, Thailand A project supported by the European Union

May 29, 2024


24 May 2024, Tak, Thailand - The European Union (EU), the Ministry of Interior (MOI), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) undertook a monitoring visit in Tak province on 24 May 2024, engaging with key stakeholders including the provincial office and civil society organizations. The visit was set to assess the current development plan to ensure the alignment with local needs and national priorities through evidence-based integrated data on development – the SDG Profile.


The project Strengthening SDG Localization in Thailand is funded by the European Union. Its action focuses on increasing SDG policy dialogue and implementing the SDGs at the local level. The monitoring in Tak province underscored the project's success, and its commitment to aligning local development plans with national priorities, serving as a model for its expansion across all 77 provinces in Thailand to achieve the goals by 2030. The monitoring mission observed that Tak Province showcases significant environmental advancements, particularly in renewable energy production, air quality management, and hazardous waste management (SDG 7, 11, and 12), surpassing the national averages despite ongoing challenges with PM2.5 in northern Thailand. The province, however, continues to grapple with persistent poverty (SDG 1), affecting marginalized and vulnerable communities, and faces challenges in providing accessible public health services (SDG 3) to all groups, especially migrants. The increasing influx of migrants exacerbates these issues, underscoring the urgent need to drive progress on multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


H.E. Mr. David Daly, Ambassador of the European Union to Thailand stated "The steadfast commitment we have observed from all partners serves as a quintessential example of the collaborative synergy between the public sector, private enterprises, civil society, and international organizations. The European Union and its member states support Thailand in its endeavors to achieve development objectives that harmonize interests, policies, principles, and values within the framework of cooperation between the Thai government and the European Union."


Ms. Ekarat Nakakhong, Inspector-General of Ministry of Interior, Representative of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior, noted "This assembly is a positive sign of collaboration to help strengthen provincial capabilities and demonstrates the Ministry of Interior's commitment to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level with understanding, accessibility, and development. The Ministry of Interior is committed to localizing the SDGs in every province nationwide, addressing emerging challenges, and fostering sustainable development for all citizens, ensuring no one is left behind."



The visit highlighed the critical importance of the Whole-of-society approach, especially with engagement from private sector and CSOs such as the Hsa Thoo Lei Foundation and Sela Eco Printing, Community Learning Centre to help promote grassroots advocacy—through the provision of grants, Business and Human Rights training, and networking opportunities that can help strengthen their capacity to contribute to SDG localization effectively.

Mr. Somchai Kitcharoenrungroj, Governor of Tak Province added "Under the provincial vision of ‘Livable City, Border Trade Gateway,’ Tak Province has outlined the province’s 20 years development plan to become a pivotal agricultural production center, connecting trade, investment, and tourism along the economic corridor. We aim to significantly improve people's quality of life, lift them out of poverty, and advance overall well-being, with poverty eradication as a primary provincial agenda.”



Mr. Renaud Meyer, UNDP Resident Representative to Thailand highlighted “Over the past year, the collaboration between UNDP, the Thai government, and various stakeholders has showcased the substantial benefits of the SDG Localization initiative. This partnership has notably benefited provincial administrators and practitioners, yielding significant advantages for local residents. Our goal is to expand this initiative from the pilot provinces to every province in Thailand, propelling the country towards sustainable development in alignment with the 'One Province, One Commitment' vision."