Disaster Risk Management Glossary of Terms
Disaster Risk Management Glossary of Terms
September 25, 2014
Over the years, Disaster Risk Management-related terminologies were adopted and translated into Thai by various practitioners or agencies based on their own contexts of use. This has resulted in inconsistency and confusion in the use of these terms in Thai.
This newly published Disaster Risk Management Glossary of Terms aims to address this very fundamental problem in promoting disaster risk management/ disaster risk reduction in Thailand. This Glossary will be central to the contemporary understanding and evolving practice of disaster risk management/ disaster risk reduction in Thailand, and will ensure that common definitions are clear across sectors and stakeholders, in turn, promoting more effective disaster risk reduction mainstreaming in development.
The Glossary was an accomplishment of cross-sector collaboration by UNDP Thailand, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Academy (DPMA), together with Ministry of Public Health, Royal Irrigation Department, Meteorological Department, Department of Mineral Resources, National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Thammasat University, Thai Red Cross, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), and a Thai language expert. The Glossary was completed under UNDP’s ‘Strengthening Disaster Management Capacities in Thailand’ project.
Download the Disaster Risk Management Glossary of Terms here