Meet 'Natthida Jitsiri', BIOFIN Project Associate and passionate changemaker

May 21, 2024

Q1. Tell us about yourself: What’s your educational background/professional experience?  

Fun fact about me, I grew up and lived in Malaysia for over 11 years. I graduated from Lancaster University and Sunway University in Kuala Lumpur with a dual degree in Business Management. Prior to joining UNDP, I worked in the private sector for over 5 years. I started my career in Malaysia managing customer relations in a fashion industry. Later, I was a senior project executive and a project leader for an event and publishing company where I worked closely with different organisations across the region to promote high levels of employee engagement and excellent workplace cultures. Then, I was a development coordinator for a real estate company providing support for project management. I have been working with UNDP for one and a half year – I first joined UNDP as a Project Assistant. Recently, I got promoted to Project Associate and I am very excited to continue my work here with a new capacity.  

Q2. What made you apply to work with UNDP Thailand?  

I was looking for meaningful work. Something that drives the change towards a better world. As you can see today, everything is changing – the world is boiling due to climate crisis, we barely breathe well due to air pollution issues or the biodiversity loss due to extreme weather and the rising sea level. When I knew the world is not the same, I spoke to myself what if I could be a part of the changes – to make things better would be my goal at that time.  

Q3. What are your activities or main responsibilities? What is a day at the office like? 

As a Project Associate, I do the work to support the project to ensure that everything goes smoothly. This refers to a wide range of tasks from administrative work, coordination to programmatic management. My day in the office is usually productive – meeting with colleagues, supporting each other and crossing things off from my to-do list!  

Q4. What are some of the challenges you encountered while working at UNDP Thailand? How did you overcome it?   

The change of the organisational system – one of them is the change of using ATLAS system to Quantum system which is a platform to support my administrative work and other operations. It was quite a challenge for me to adjust myself to a new platform because when I joined UNDP, I was still trying to get myself familiar with the ATLAS system and a few months later, we have been informed that ATLAS will be replaced with a new system called “Quantum”. At that time, I thought I was the only one who was struggling with the new platform but when I went to share my Quantum experiences with colleagues, they thought the same too. So, we formed a group chat to exchange tips and help whenever who needs it, and this solution has been helpful up until now.  

Another challenge I would like to share is ‘time management’, I noticed myself working at late hours and I know it was not a good sample to mention but it is a self-reminder that I should management my time properly for a good health & wellbeing, which is one of the UNDP’s value to have a healthy workforce.  

Photo Courtesy: Krungthai Bank

Q5. Tell us about your favourite moment with UNDP Thailand   

My favourite moment is to join my team on a mission to travel to Koh Tao in South of Thailand. Through this mission, I had an opportunity to interact with the local stakeholders – the municipality, the local communities, the local businesspeople and many more. They gave us a warm welcome with a thankful note mentioning what we did for them has truly impacted their livelihood.  

What the project did back then was to establish a crowdfunding to support the tourist boat drivers and the local community in Koh Tao who were impacted by COVID19 through collaboration with the KrungThai Bank and Raks Thai Foundation. The campaign was active from 30 October – 31 January 2021 and the campaign raised over $90,000 during that period. This initiative is not only helping the local community but also extended to the environment and biodiversity in Koh Tao area. We teamed up with the community and partners to run various activities from waste management and garbage collection, pier fee collection from tourist and mobilize the money to support coral reef restoration and sustainable fish aggregating. It was the best time ever since I joined the UNDP to be able to witness what the team did has truly created value for society.  

Q6. How does this position benefit your career path/choices within the UN or beyond?  

Being a project associate or project assistant back then was a good starting point to see where I would like to be in the future, perhaps becoming a project manager one day. Furthermore, this project helps me understand more about environmental and biodiversity issues deeper which could benefit me if I would like to become a specialist in this field in the future too.  

Q7. What SDGs are you helping to implement through your position?   

SDG14 – Life below water, SDG15- life on land – what I am doing is definitely contributing to these SDGs. For example, SDG14 on life below water, I had one assignment to deploy concrete fish houses to the local community. Although it might sound like a small action, to me, no matter what actions are, they all count. 

Q8. What piece of advice would you give to those who are considering applying to #JoinALifeChangingMission with UNDP? 

Come join us! Be a part of the change for the better tomorrow.  

Q9. Give us 3 words that describe UNDP Thailand 

Equity, Opportunity and Possibility 

Photo Courtesy: Krungthai Bank


If you would like to be a part of the catalyst of change and would like to join a life-changing mission with UNDP, visit for more information and follow us on our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, to stay tuned for the latest updates and insights from UNDP Thailand. 

The work that not only benefits us but everyone.
Natthida Jitsiri, Project Associate - BIOFIN