UNDP and Uganda in Action

Inclusive Growth and Innovation

In Uganda, UNDP plays a key role in empowering youth, women, refugees and other vulnerable groups; driving inclusive economic growth; creating livelihood opportunities through skilling, entrepreneurship and innovation; advancing competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in critical sectors; unlocking opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA); and accelerating the country's digital transformation journey. 

Recent milestones from the Inclusive Growth and Innovation programme include:

- 16,000 jobs and livelihood opportunities created through youth-led businesses.
- 150,000 farmers connected through grantee Akellobanker.
- 1,000 MSMEs trained in business skills.
- UNDP Africa Timbuktoo UniPod established at Makerere University.
- Redesign and refurbishment of National ICT Innovation Hub.
- Design and implementation of Uganda's Digital Transformation Roadmap 2023-2027.

Nature, Climate, Energy and Resilience

UNDP is building resilience to climate change; restoring forest and wetland ecosystems; strengthening sustainable land management; scaling up sustainable energy solutions; promoting nature-based solutions and technologies; and supporting implementation Uganda's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in line with the Paris Agreement.

Recent milestones from the Nature, Climate, Energy and Resilience programme include:

- 49,000 hectares of wetlands restored across Uganda.
- 4,000 households in wetlands areas benefited from alternative livelihoods.
- 2,500 natural resource maps generated by the National Environment Management Authority.
- 26 Health Center IVs solarized to allow for undisrupted power supply.
- 700,000 people able to access improved healthcare.
- 226 solar lighting points installed at Owinio Market in Kampala.
- 600,000 market vendors enabled to enhance business operations.

Governance, Peace and Security

UNDP is strengthening governance infrastructure in public and private sectors; institutionalizing e-governance systems; promoting accountability and civic engagement; and eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls.

Recent milestones from the Governance, Peace and Security programme include:

- 3 community markets established in Adjumani, Lamwo and Obongi.
- 10,137 refugees and host community members participated in cash-for-work activities.
- 1,873 acres of woodlots and 426 acres of agricultural land established.
- 1,076 refugees and host community members engaged in sesame production.
- 6,464 gender-based violence (GBV) actors engaged in GBV prevention training
- 2,444 people reached through GBV dialogues among refugees and host communities.
- 4,080 participants reached through GBV dialogues in Uganda Management Institute programs.
- 2,367 GBV survivors accessed legal aid services.

SDG Integration and Acceleration

UNDP supports integration of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into national development planning and implementation through analysis of Uganda's National Development Plan, building government capacity, and aligning planning and budget frameworks at national and sub- national levels. The SDG Integration and Acceleration programme is also promoting adoption of innovative financing mechanisms in selected SDG accelerator areas; supporting improvement of SDG data, monitoring and evaluation systems with a view to reduce gaps in implementation; and facilitating research, learning and knowledge sharing on SDGs to inform policy and programme interventions.


Learn more about UNDP and partner milestones in Uganda through the UNDP Uganda Annual Report 2023 and UNDP Uganda Profile(link is external).