The Disaster and Climate Risk Management Capacity Assessment and Plan
The Disaster and Climate Risk Management Capacity Assessment and Plan
November 24, 2014
Uganda has registered several incidences of both natural and manmade disasters. The effects of the disasters have been profound on the people, their livelihood and the economy of the country. Management of disasters especially those compounded by climatic changes has been ad-hoc and there are hardly any preparedness measures in place to mitigate effects of the disasters.
The Office of the Prime Minister with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) commissioned the Disaster and Climate Risk Management (D/CRM) capacity assessment to guide the development on D/CRM. The overall goal of the assessment was to identify the key gaps and strengths in D/CRM capacity of the country with a view of addressing and strengthening those D/CRM capacity gaps.
The study has revealed several gaps and challenges on D/CRM in the country both at organisational and individual levels with a weak enabling environment and shows that overall, the capacity for enabling environment for D/CRM is considered high for Advocacy rated 3.6, D/CRM policy development rated 3.6 and stakeholder engagement/networking rated 3.5, respectively. However, capacity was considered low in the areas of D/CRM budgetary allocation and appropriate use rated 2.6, functional operating procedures rated 2.7, research rated 2.8, as well as Monitoring and Evaluation of D/CRM activities rated 2.9.
The assessment report recommends that both the government and development partners need to increase funding/budgetary allocation for D/CRM interventions, increase staff availability and capacity through provision of appropriate training opportunities, ensure use of SOP, and promote monitoring and evaluation of D/CRM interventions. Additionally, it recommends that need to strengthen various community livelihood resilience capacities including through community sensitization, income generation and saving schemes, establishment of by laws against environmental degradation, enforcement of policies on environmental protection and establishment of functional DRR structures at community level.