Roadmap for creating an enabling environment for delivering on SDGs in Uganda
Roadmap for creating an enabling environment for delivering on SDGs in Uganda
October 26, 2018
The implementation of SDGs in Uganda is coordinated through the National SDG Coordination Framework. The Framework spells out clear mandates for planning, reporting, monitoring, resource mobilization, communication, advocacy and decision-making for implementation of the SDGs anchored within existing national coordination structures.
The Coordination Framework was developed through consultative processes, under the leadership of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), with support from the United Nations (UN) in Uganda. The Framework was adopted in May 2016 and validated by the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament.
This new National SDG Roadmap operationalises the Framework and provides priority actions to catalyse the implementation of SDGs across the country during the NDP II period (2015/16-2019/20).