Refugee Success Stories: From Cash-for-Work to Financial Independence

June 19, 2024

Jessica Jurua at her home in Ukusijoni sub county

UNDP Uganda

Jessica Ajurua, a 45-year-old South Sudanese refugee, arrived in Maaji settlement, Ukusijoni Subcounty, Adjumani District of Uganda in 2016, fleeing the conflict in her home country. Like many refugees, Jessica faced an uncertain future. However, her story is one of resilience and determination, thanks to the Uganda Host and Refugee Community Empowerment Project (UHRCEP). 

In 2021, Jessica joined UHRCEP's cash-for-work programme. Through this programme, she earned a total of 330,000 UGX ($90 USD) through her participation in road opening activities within her community. This vital resource wasn't just spent on immediate needs; Jessica used it to invest in her future. She started a small-scale general merchandise retail business, laying the foundation for her own financial independence and self-sufficiency. 

"I'm one of the beneficiaries who received support from UNDP and KOICA through the cash-for-work programme. Additionally, I received a business grant that allowed me to add capital to my shop and do some goat farming. This support has been key in enabling me to provide for my family, pay school fees for my children, and meet our basic necessities."

Jessica's entrepreneurial spirit didn't stop there. The remaining funds from the cash-for-work programme allowed her to purchase a goat, further diversifying her income stream. But Jessica also understood the power of collaboration. By joining a savings group created through the project, she gained access to additional capital through loans. These loans enabled her to increase the volume of stock in her shop. The success of her shop then allowed her to purchase two more goats with a view to continuing to expand. 

Jessica's story is a testament to the impact of UHRCEP's programmes, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). With a little support, Jessica has transformed her life. She now enjoys peace of mind at home, knowing her family has a reliable source of income and improved nutrition. Her standard of living has significantly improved compared to the difficult circumstances she faced upon arrival in Uganda. Jessica's story is an inspiration to other refugees, demonstrating the power of hard work, resourcefulness, and the support of well-designed development interventions on behalf of the Government of Uganda and development partners. 

Jessica rearing some of her goats

UNDP Uganda