Refugee Success Stories: From Community Needs to Thriving Enterprise

June 19, 2024

Group members of Hope and Naya refugee group having a meeting

UNDP Uganda

The Hope and Naya refugee group comprises 24 individuals (10 men and 14 women) who have embarked on a journey of self-empowerment and community betterment. The group members benefited from basic training on writing business plans through the Uganda Host and Refugee Community Empowerment Project, an initiative of the Government of Uganda, Korea International Agency (KOICA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  

Their story took a significant turn when a call for business plans and proposals was launched through the project. Hope and Naya's well-crafted plan stood out, securing them a crucial first step: a cash grant of 9,600,000 UGX ($2,500 USD). With this vital resource, the group embarked on a strategic expansion, establishing a thriving event management business. They invested in essential equipment which they offered for rent at competitive rates within the refugee settlement and host communities.  

Group members of Hope and Naya posing for a photo in their store

UNDP Uganda
"After receiving training on writing business plans, we were tasked with creating our own plans. Following the selection process and interviews, we identified event management as our desired field and were fortunate to qualify for a grant,” said Sokiri Samuel. “This grant has been incredibly helpful, allowing us to purchase rental equipment, including tents, chairs, and even saucepans. By offering these items for rent, we've significantly improved our income streams."

The Hope and Naya group’s ambitions didn't stop there, demonstrating remarkable entrepreneurial spirit by venturing into a complementary hardware business, selling building materials and bicycle spare parts. Recognizing further potential, they secured an additional grant of 4,200,000 UGX ($1,100 USD) to purchase another tent, expanding their event management capacity. This diversification not only created new income streams but also catered to the needs of the growing community. 

Some of the items showing that are hired out

UNDP Uganda

The group's vision extended beyond just their own success. Recognizing the agricultural potential of their region, they entered the produce buying and selling sector, specializing in trading sorghum, maize, and cassava. This diversification not only created additional income streams for themselves but also contributed to the local agricultural economy by supporting local farmers. 

Hope and Naya group members understand the importance of reinvestment. A significant portion of their profits is strategically reinvested back into the business, fueling further growth and expansion. However, their commitment extends beyond their venture. The group fosters a spirit of community through a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), where members can access micro-loans for their personal business endeavors. This commitment to empowering others exemplifies the group's dedication to building a sustainable future for themselves and the entire community. 

The story of the Hope and Naya group serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and a testament to the positive impact of micro-business support programmes in refugee settlements and host communities. By harnessing individual talents and fostering a collaborative spirit, Hope and Naya continues to pave the way for a more prosperous future where the whole community is economically empowered.