Two new digital literacy tools for librarians launched on Diia.Osvita platform

The tools are designed to help improve the professional competences and digital skills of the coordinators of Digital Education Hubs hosted at libraries.

June 19, 2024
Photo: Andrii Krepkykh / UNDP in Ukraine

Kyiv, 19 June 2024 – Two new digital literacy tools for library employees have been launched on the Diia.Osvita platform: a framework of digital competences and a Digigram for librarians. The new tools for librarians will help them improve their skills and work more effectively to meet the needs of today's users.

With the Digital Literacy Framework and the Digigram test, libraries will be better prepared to support communities in improving their digital literacy and using digital resources, which will in turn contribute to the development of a digital society.

The project was implemented by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ukrainian Library Association, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, as part of the Swedish-funded DIA Support Project.

A network of digital education hubs, set up at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, has been operating in Ukraine since 2020. The hubs, most of which are hosted in libraries, play an important role in increasing the digital literacy of Ukrainians, giving their users access to modern technologies and thus the opportunity to improve their digital skills – as well as receive support in obtaining new knowledge.

Libraries are spaces for lifelong learning,” said Valeriia Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for European Integration. “Here, you can choose both a new book and a new educational series on the Diia.Osvita platform.”

Cooperation with the Ukrainian Library Association made it possible to create digital education hubs,” Ionan added. “We have created a digital competence framework for librarians to improve their digital skills and interaction with users.” 

A single standard of digital competences in the library field has been developed to support librarians in their professional development and to prepare them for new challenges. The standard, developed with the support of the UNDP in Ukraine and with funding from Sweden, will help create an effective system of training and professional development of library workers so that they can help visitors even more effectively.

UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine Jaco Cilliers said the employees of libraries and digital education hubs are making an invaluable contribution to the development of digital literacy in the country by helping Ukrainians master new technologies, and by teaching them digital skills.

Therefore, it’s important that librarians have modern digital competencies and opportunities to develop them,” Cilliers said. “The Digital Competence Framework and Digigram will help librarians in this, because they tell you exactly what knowledge needs to be strengthened in order to be even more effective in your work. We’re glad to support the development of digital education in Ukraine.”

Oksana Brui, the president of the Ukrainian Library Association, deputy general director of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine, said a high level of digital skills is vital for a modern librarian.

This also concerns the use of general digital tools, for example, to create content or conduct digital literacy training, and the implementation and use of special library programmes and services, as well as the use of digital tools for organizing new services and solving management problems,” Brui said.

“The framework of digital competences and Digigrams for librarians will help each librarian to better navigate and correctly build individual educational trajectories for improving digital skills.”

Digital Competency Framework for Librarians

A librarian's digital competence is the ability to effectively perform professional duties using digital tools and resources. The framework will help librarians assess their levels of digital competence, identifying knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.

The framework covers five areas of digital competences, which contain 25 competencies and three levels of proficiency:

  1. Finding and working with information – the ability to find, evaluate and effectively use digital resources, including online catalogues and databases.
  2. Digital communication and collaboration – skills in using digital tools to communicate with other users and colleagues, organizing online events.
  3. Digital content creation and management – ​​the ability to design, create and manage digital products and resources, including websites and social networks.
  4. Security and data protection – knowledge about the rules for protecting users' personal data, as well as cyber security and the protection of library systems and resources.
  5. Innovation and digital leadership – skills in using the latest technologies to carry out professional tasks and introduce innovations in library activities.

It is based on the European conceptual reference model of digital competences for citizens DigComp 2.2:1 The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens.

Digigram for librarians

The Digigram for Librarians is a handy tool for identifying strengths and gaps in professional digital skills in library services. The test will help assess their levels of digital knowledge and skills, identify areas that need improvement, and plan further professional development.

Media inquiries

Yuliia Samus, UNDP Ukraine Communications Team Leader,