Enhancing Mine Action Finance in Ukraine

Enhancing Mine Action Finance in Ukraine

October 15, 2024

A feasibility study exploring innovative financial mechanisms to address the massive demining challenge in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has created a massive demining challenge, with the cost estimated at tens of billions of dollars. This report investigates innovative financing mechanisms to help bridge the funding gap. The study examines two key approaches – Sustainability-Linked Bonds, where interest rates are linked to the success of demining and sustainable agricultural transitions, and Outcome-Based Public-Private Partnerships, an innovative model combining demining efforts with the development of renewable energy infrastructure, incentivizing private sector investment.

The report details the potential of these approaches, provides thorough financial modeling, analyses associated risks and readiness factors, and offers concrete recommendations for implementation. Key findings highlight the strong appetite for innovative finance from both Ukraine and its international partners. 

This study was commissioned by UNDP and conducted between April and September 2024. It was funded through the generous support of the governments of the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 

Download the full report to explore detailed findings and recommendations.