SDG Investor Map Ukraine
SDG Investor Map Ukraine
July 14, 2022
Overview of Findings
In May 2021 UNDP Ukraine Country Office initiated development of the SDG Investor Map Ukraine in cooperation with the Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) based on the methodology developed by the SDG Impact.
SDG Impact is a UNDP flagship initiative designed to accelerate progress toward the SDGs with game changing tools and insights that unlock private capital and direct it to concrete SDG-enabling opportunities with a focus on developing countries. The initiative focuses on eliminating barriers and driving integrity for SDG-enabling investment at scale.
Following SDG Impact’s methodology, the “SDG Investor Map Ukraine” aims to identify “Investment Opportunity Areas” in the country which are aligned with national priorities and SDG needs while carrying considerable investment potential.
The “SDG Investor Map Ukraine” has been developed as a guide that consists of detailed investment information on 22 investment opportunity areas identified across 5 priority sectors. The following priority sectors have been identified for Ukraine: (i) Food and Beverage, (ii) Infrastructure, (iii) Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy, (iv) Transportation and (v) Technology and Communications.
The Map followed a rigorous review of national policy documents and international development assessments as well as extensive stakeholder consultations.