a ship in a body of water


United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®)

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®), owned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is an open, global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services.

The UNSPSC offers a single global classification system that can be used for:

  • Company-wide visibility of spend analysis
  • Cost-effective procurement optimization
  • Full exploitation of electronic commerce capabilities

Encompassing a five-level hierarchical classification codeset, UNSPSC enables expenditure analysis at grouping levels relevant to your needs. You can drill down or up to the codeset to see more or less detail as is necessary for business analysis.

You may browse and download the current version of the code at no cost. Click HERE to download the codeset.

For issues and other inquiries, please contact info.unspsc@undp.org