The snow leopard is amongst endangered species; hunting for the snow leopard is prohibited throughout the world. In Uzbekistan, they inhibit the highlands of the Western Tien Shan and Gissar-Ala
However, the existing data on the snow leopard is not enough to preserve this unique cat and its habitats.
In this regard, in 2018, active work did launch at collecting data on the distribution, abundance of the snow leopard and its food objects. Initiating and supporting the work is carried out by the UNDP / GEF and the State Committee for Ecology ptoject “Sustainable management of natural and forest resources in key mountain regions to protect biodiversity”.
Where does the silent paw of the highlands secretive big cat step, what are its routes, where does the cross-border animal go? These are the questions which the project monitoring group is trying to seek an answer for, together with researchers and inspectors of the Ugam-Chatkal National Natural Park and Chatkal State Biosphere Reserve using camera traps. The expedition was equipped from July 10 to July 30, 2019.
In total, over the entire expedition, 23 trail cameras were installed in 14 spatial cells. After analyzing the obtained images of snow leopards, the monitoring team came to the conclusion that at least three individuals of snow leopards were captured. This is the latest evidence of the existence of snow leopards in Uzbekistan. The location of spots on the skin of a leopard is always unique. Pictures from trail cameras are not only an indicator of the presence and number of individuals of a snow leopard.
The World Snow Leopard Forum, held in Bishkek in October 2013, marked the beginning of a new holiday, the International Snow Leopard Day, which has been celebrated since then on October 23.
Stay tuned to familiarize yourself with the new details about the project activities for conservation on the biodiversity of the mountain regions of Uzbekistan.