Delivery of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities
Delivery of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities
February 20, 2023
Uzbekistan ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2021, marking the culmination of years-long efforts to join this important human rights treaty. The States-parties to CRPD undertake to protect and promote the human rights of people with disabilities, eliminate disability discrimination and enable them to live independently in the community.
At present, the country is working towards the introduction of the social (biopsychosocial) model of disability – the efforts being embodied in national programmes and laws adopted since 2020.
UNDP and UN sister agencies have been supportive of the efforts of the Uzbek government, academia and disability community towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in every aspect of life.
The Guide was developed within the framework of the UN Joint Programme Transformation of Social Service Delivery: Implementing Human Rights-Based Approach for Children, Youth and Women with Disabilities in Uzbekistan, funded by UNPRPD Multi-Partner Trust Fund.
The overall objective of this document is to provide experts, civil servants, disability advocates and academia with insight to and guidance on social (support) services for people with disabilities.
People with disabilities face various barriers to access their human rights, and support services play one of the most important roles in facilitating their enjoyment. The barriers are diverse and are generally divided into attitudinal, environmental and institutional ones. The lack of support system for people with disabilities lead to their exclusion, marginalization and greater socio-economic disparities in society.
This Guide proposes a human-rights-based approach to designing support services and offers key insights into their design and delivery
The Guide is published with the aim of stimulating and contributing to the discussions and analysis of social services delivery. It is hoped that it will prove useful in efforts to further develop social services system in Uzbekistan.