Invest in Uzbekistan 2019


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Invest in Uzbekistan 2019

September 10, 2019

The Investment brochure “Invest in Uzbekistan” has been prepared by the ‘Support to Investment Climate Improvement in Uzbekistan’ and “Business Climate Improvement in the regions of Uzbekistan” projects implemented jointly by the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Investments and Foreign trade, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan and the United Nations Development Programme.

The guide provides an overview of potential industries for investment, including oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, textile, leather, agriculture, as well as tourism and the production of building materials and etc.

Uzbekistan possesses enormous economic potential, GDP growth rates are due to positive dynamics in the main sectors of the economy and make up 5% annually. According to the World Bank, the projected GDP growth is expected to reach 6% by 2021. The projected inflation rate, according to the IMF, will be reduced to a single figure (9.3%) by 2021.

Information about the business support (both foreign and local), an overview of the competitive advantages of Uzbekistan, cooperation with foreign investors is already available at:

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