Organic agriculture is a measure to increase the yield of agricultural crops yields


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Organic agriculture is a measure to increase the yield of agricultural crops yields

February 27, 2020

The main difficulties in agriculture of Karakalpakstan, especially in the northern regions, are associated with a low content of organic substances in the soil, widespread salinization of soils and high frequency of low water levels and hydrological drought. These factors increase the risk of partial or even complete loss of planned crops, especially in dry years.

Within the framework of our joint project with the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives “Enhancing the climate resilience of rural women in the most drought prone communities of the Aral Sea region through application of conservation agricultural practices”, we developed a guide “On the use of organic farming on household lands in the northern regions of Karakalpakstan”

Organic methods can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by 48–66% compared with conventional farms. Thus, the soil rich in organic matter provides savings in irrigation water and increases the resistance of plants to stress factors. See our publication for more.

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