As of October 2018
Together, UNDP and the World Bank partnered to launch the unique Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (YERCP) – a project that effectively responds to the unprecedented needs of the Yemenis, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. This was the first time the World Bank was able to unlock such substantial financing to keep critical development projects flowing during a crisis when traditional development financing would have otherwise been frozen.
YECRP focuses on institutions and communities. Institutional capacity development allows critical local organizations to establish the skills to continue delivering seamless and lifesaving services to support vital recovery programmes once the war stops. YECRP’s work with communities addresses the lack of access to food, risk of famine, and prevent diseases such as cholera by constructing lifesaving infrastructure such as clean water supplies, sanitation and public latrines. By encouraging community ownership – and them determining priorities that will enhance the quality of their lives – communities actively participate in the planning and construction of infrastructure that will change their lives.