Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III)

Project Summary

Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security, and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III) is a 3-year programme co-funded by the European Union (EU) and Government of Sweden. The programme will build upon the progress and lessons learned from the previous phases of building community resilience. It will contribute to reducing vulnerabilities and improving levels of community resilience and self-reliance in targeted areas and local governance.

This programme, managed by UNDP, is implemented jointly by FAO, ILO, UNDP, and WFP in seven governorates in Yemen. It aims to address three components: (1) Community conflict reduction and social cohesion; (2) Access to clean energy and climate adaptation; and (3) Livelihoods and food security. It will directly benefit vulnerable beneficiaries and marginalized communities including Internally Displaced People (IDPs), returnees, vulnerable host communities, Muhamasheen, female-headed households, youth, daily labourers, people with disabilities, and elderly community members.

Gender Empowerment

ERRY III JP activities will contribute to gender equality, women’s empowerment, and gender transformative change. It will also contribute to inclusion of women at all stages of implementation, assessment, and monitoring and evaluation – considering the social and cultural barriers rural women face in Yemen. The JP will not only actively seek to address the specific needs and opportunities for women, but care will be taken to ensure that activities provided for women are culturally acceptable and can be accessed by women through thematic areas:

  • Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women.
  • Increasing access for women to financial services and products, and productive resources.
  • Improving access to entrepreneurship opportunities, including social entrepreneurship, and alternative livelihoods and strengthened participation in the green and circular economy.
  • Addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities offered by the green transition and the digital transformation.
  • Increasing women’s participation in – and have improved access to – jobs, entrepreneurship opportunities in the green economy, and the circular economy.


The overall objective (goal) is that crisis affected communities are better able to manage local risks and shocks for increased resilience and self-reliance.

Specific Objectives (Outcomes):

Outcome 1: Community institutions are strengthened, and capacity is built around gender sensitive resilience planning, conflict resolution and social cohesion.

Outcome2: Vulnerable communities benefit from equal access to clean energy solutions, environmental protection, and climate adaptive capacity in sustainable manner.

Outcome 3: Sustainable livelihoods of women and men created through improved production, food security and income opportunities.


Related documents


  • 50 Sub-District Development Committees (SDCs) formed, with 717 members trained in resilience planning, including 330 women.
  • 50  gender-sensitive Community Resilience Plans (CRP) developed at the sub-district level, providing a roadmap for community development.
  • 326 Village Cooperative Councils (VCCs) established or reactivated, strengthening community participation in defining and addressing needs. 
  • 432 gender-responsive self-help initiatives implemented, empowering communities to address their own challenges.
  • 346 community leaders and 700 SDC members, 35% women, trained as community mediators, enhancing their ability to support mediation and community dialogue. 
  • 44 conflict scans conducted in 44 sub-districts, providing valuable insights for addressing conflicts effectively. 
  • 100 community dialogue sessions conducted, leading to peaceful resolution of conflicts in targeted communities.
  • 148 gender-responsive compact initiatives and small-scale projects implemented at village and sub-district levels, benefitting around 93,304 people (49,307 women).
  • 84 public service facilities provided with solar panel systems to enhance service delivery. 
  • 252 public representatives trained on the operation and maintenance (OM) of the installed solar systems to ensure long-term sustainability.
  • 150 solar energy entrepreneurs provided with technical and financial support to improve their living conditions.
  • 140 apprentices trained and specialized in the installation and maintenance of small solar systems.
  • Over 4,800 beneficiaries, including 38% women, were provided emergency employment through a multiple step approach that supports sustainable livelihoods.
  • 3,000 beneficiaries, including 1151 women, received grant financing to establish their own income-generating businesses.
  • 41 community assets rehabilitated in eleven districts, facilitating target communities’ access to markets and key services.
  • 4,764  beneficiaries, including 1,847 women, increased their knowledge of business development and life skills.



March 2022


June 2025






United Nations Development Programme


Foundation (generic)










Full Project information(link is external)