Meet Rawda: A community leader from Rural Yemen

October 15, 2024

Rawda, a woman from Al Maafer District, Taiz Governorate, is a local leader in conflict resolution and community development. With support from the ERRY III Joint Programme, Rawda is working to improve living conditions for community members, focusing on restoring infrastructure and social cohesion, and ensuring resource distribution for those who have been displaced.

a person wearing a hat

Rawda speaks with a young girl from her community - Al-Ma’afer District, Taiz Governorate.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

Initially not part of any formal committees, Rawda was elected as the coordinator of community committee initiatives, overseeing development projects across 40 villages in Al-Ma’afer District as part of the ERRY JP III Programme implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Her role extends beyond traditional leadership, as she actively led efforts to establish community resilience plans, resolve conflict, and implement initiatives. 

"When I was elected, my goal was clear—to strengthen social harmony and ensure everyone in the community benefits," Rawda explains. "It wasn’t easy, but I knew that if we came together, we could solve any challenge."

One of Rawda’s most significant accomplishments was her contribution to the rehabilitation of the Market Road, supported through UNDP’s local governance and social cohesion component, funded by European Union and Government of Sweden and implemented by local partner, the Social Fund for Development (SFD). 

This vital road, crucial for both vendors and pedestrians, had become impassable due to frequent flooding during the rainy season. "The rainwater would pool, attracting insects and making the area unbearable," Rawda recalls. "People, especially the elderly, couldn’t reach the market, and it caused serious difficulties for both shoppers and shopkeepers."

a group of people standing next to a fence

Workers at a road construction site in Al-Ma’afer District, Taiz Governorate, part of the ERRY III Joint Programme led by Rawda, to improve infrastructure and market access.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

Through her persistent efforts, Rawda rallied the community and worked closely with local authorities to address the issue. 

"The community welcomed the project with open arms. They saw how important it was to clear the streets and improve access. Everyone came together in ways I hadn’t seen before, and it was exciting to witness how it united us," Rawda explains.

a couple of people that are standing in the grass

Rawda meets with local authorities and community members to discuss the implementation of development initiatives - Al-Ma’afer District, Taiz Governorate.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

Despite facing setbacks, including a broken cement mixer on the final day of the road rehabilitation project, Rawda remained determined. 

"I had to go out and bring more cement, but by the time I returned, the mixer had stopped working. I was so stressed. I remember thinking, 'Will we finish this in time?' But the young men in the community stepped in, and we worked late into the night. I was in tears, but not from despair—from joy, because despite everything, we pulled through."

Rawda’s leadership not only improved vital road infrastructure, but also resolved underlying tensions within the community. "There used to be so many disagreements because of the crowded conditions and the lack of proper infrastructure. But now, everyone has their space, and the market functions smoothly. The project truly strengthened social cohesion," she explains.

Rawda’s work extended beyond roads. She played a crucial role during recent gas shortages, collecting supplies and distributing them to displaced individuals. "During the gas shortage, I collected supplies for the displaced and even opened my home to help those in need. It was difficult, but it had to be done," she recalls.

a person holding a bag

A community member with Rawda - Al-Ma’afer District, Taiz Governorate.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

Rawda’s perseverance and dedication to her community have earned their friendship and admiration. 

"I have gained the trust and respect of the people, and that has been the greatest reward for me," Rawda says. Her contributions have transformed the community’s infrastructure, market access, and social dynamics, revitalizing both the local market and social cohesion. 

"Now, the market is buzzing with life again, and people are happier. We overcame so many challenges together, and that’s what makes this project a success story," she says proudly.

Rawda remains hopeful for the future, eager to continue her mission to serve her community. 

"What motivates me is the suffering of the people and my goal to alleviate that suffering. I will continue, God willing, with this mission to serve my community," she says with conviction. "The community needs more projects like this. We’ve seen what we can accomplish when we have the resources and the will to work together. 

a person talking on a cell phone

Rawda listens to community members, addressing their concerns and working to resolve conflicts, illustrating her commitment to improving the lives of those around her - Al-Ma’afer District, Taiz Governorate.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

As she reflects on her journey, Rawda extends a heartfelt message to rural women across Yemen and beyond, in honor of International Rural Women’s Day:

"To all rural women, we are the backbone of our communities. Never doubt your power to create change. Despite challenges, with persistence and unity, we can overcome anything. Believe in your strength, work together, and we can transform our villages and build a better future for generations to come."

Rawda’s story is a testament to the power of collective action, determination, and the strength of community-driven leadership.