Inclusion Toolkit for Organizations and Business

April 30, 2024


Thailand has made significant progress on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning,
and Other Sexual and Gender Identities (LGBTQI+) rights, yet gaps remain between social acceptance and workplace inclusion. Discrimination persists: 45% of LGBTQI+ Thais report job application rejections, and almost half of LGBTQI+ people still conceal their identity at work due to fear. This climate prevents organizations from benefiting from the full diversity of talent.

The business case for LGBTQI+ inclusion is clear. Organizations in the top quartile for LGBTQI+ diversity have 25% higher profitability. Diverse teams, inclusive of LGBTQI+ people, also make better decisions up to 87% of the time. Yet Thai businesses continue to underperform in LGBTQI+ and other inclusion efforts.

This Toolkit, created by the Sasin School of Management and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Thailand, the Embassy of Canada to Thailand, and many LGBTQI+ community leaders, provides practical guidance to foster LGBTQI+-inclusive workplaces. It also offers best practices for making organizations more inclusive overall.

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Challenges Faced by Transgender Employees in Thailand


Discover the challenges faced by transgender employees in Thailand and learn how organizations can create more inclusive workplaces in this eye-opening video featuring Koko Tiamsai, Global Internal Communications Manager at East-West Seed.


Barriers to Access


Hear email marketer Jocelyn Napper make a compelling case for LGBTQI+ workplace inclusion, sharing challenges faced by the community and advocating for increased hiring of LGBTQI+ talent.

Seagate Thailand's Inclusion Strategy


Learn how Seagate Thailand successfully adapted their global LGBTQI+ inclusion initiatives into a thriving localized program. Discover best practices for tailoring inclusion strategies to the Thai context.

Fostering LGBTQI+ Inclusion Within Legal Constraints


Discover how organizations can creatively foster LGBTQI+ inclusion despite legal limitations, as Paul Overdijk, Co-Chair of the Advisory Board at Workplace Pride, challenges common misconceptions and offers practical strategies for building inclusive workplaces.

Implementing LGBTQI+ Inclusive Policies in Education

Hear Deputy Director Montana Pornpunyalert, Director of Personnel at Sasin School of Management, explain why implementing pro-LGBTQI+ policies was the right move for Thailand's leading business school.

Transforming Workplace Culture in Asia

Join Jeiz Robles, APAC D&I Expert, as she shares her experience in transforming workplace culture across the Asia-Pacific region, offering insights on overcoming challenges and driving meaningful change.

The Need for Inclusive Policies
Why Intersectionality Matters
The Importance of a Clear Code of Conduct

What happens when organizations lack a clear Code of Conduct? Ponlawat Varitnantakul, Managing Director at Boonyawat Packaging Company ↗, talks about his own experiences of mistreatment when he started his career in Bangkok.