UN Joint Programme Ending Violence Against Women in Albania Phase II
UNDP Albania
The United Nations Joint Programme, "Ending Violence Against Women in Albania Phase II," is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and will run from January 2023 to July 2025. The programme, implemented by UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA, contributes to the achievement of SDG target 5.2 and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Outcome 4 on Gender Responsive Governance.
The programme targets all women and girls who have experienced violence in Albania. It places a particular focus on women and girls who are subjected to multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, including LGBTI women, women with disabilities and Roma and Egyptian women. Furthermore, the project engages men and boys as pivotal agents of change in the advancement of gender equality, collaborating with civil society organisations and national institutions.
The UN Agencies collaborate closely with national partners, including the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Youth, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, the State Police, Local Government Units, National Human Rights Institutions, the media, civil society and grassroots organisations, amongst others. This programme builds on the findings and recommendations outlined in the evaluation report of the JP EVAWIA Phase I, leveraging lessons learned to replicate best practices.

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In recent years, Albania has made notable progress in developing its legal, policy, and institutional framework with the objective of ending domestic violence and violence against women (VAW). A comprehensive legislative framework has been established to ensure a coordinated response from all relevant government agencies to domestic violence. Notable advancements at the institutional level include the expansion of the Coordinated Referral Mechanisms (CRMs) to all 61 municipalities in Albania, enhancements to the local information system for registering cases of domestic violence (REVALB), and a threefold increase in the monthly cash payments for survivors of domestic violence under protection orders. Notwithstanding these developments, violence against women continues to be a significant challenge in Albania.
The 2018 National Survey on Violence against Women and Girls in Albania indicates that the prevalence of violence against women remains high, with one in three women having experienced violence over the 12 months prior to the survey. The number of cases reported to the relevant authorities remains low in comparison to the actual number of women who experience violence (4,591 in 2018, 4,629 in 2019, 4,701 in 2020, and 5,312 in 2021). During the period of national lockdown in 2020, the number of calls made to the national counselling hotline increased by a factor of three in comparison to the same period in the previous year. However, the number of reports of domestic violence made to the police was lower than in previous years for the same period.
The main gaps and the relevant causes of the persistency of violence against women include challenges in preventing such violence, ensuring effective protection of victims and the availability of services, prosecuting cases of violence and adopting policies and laws aligned with international standards and best practices on VAW. To address these challenges, UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA have built on the successful collaboration on addressing violence against women in the context of the Joint Programme “Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Albania” (JP EVAWIA) (2019-2022), supported by Sida, with the objective of ensuring that all women and girls in Albania live a life free of violence.

At the third meeting of the Network of Local Coordinators of Domestic Violence. The Network of Local Coordinators of Domestic Violence is a platform that serves to enhance the capacities of Coordinators for the effective management of survivors of various forms of violence. It also promotes collaboration among Coordinators and encourages the sharing of best practices and challenges encountered in their work.
Major Achievements
- As part of the Joint Programme "Ending Violence Against Women in Albania (Phase II, 2023-2025)", UNDP has enhanced the capacities of 10 Coordinated Referral Mechanisms to ensure effective implementation of laws and policies related to gender-based violence and to prevent and respond to violence against women (VAW). A total of 101 members (82 women and 19 men) of the referral mechanisms, including police officers, health centre representatives, judges, school psychologists, and others, have undergone training on legal changes and their responsibilities in handling cases of violence. Furthermore, 19 new Coordinators for Domestic Violence have developed their competencies in utilising and populating the REVALB system through coaching and the delivery of targeted training.
- UNDP has initiated awareness-raising activities to combat violence against women. In order to educate the public, raise awareness about violence against women and promote a culture that does not tolerate such acts, activities such as the 16 Days of Activism and International Women’s Day have been implemented. The objective of these initiatives was to reduce the stigma associated with survivors of violence and encourage community support. A total of 882 individuals participated in these activities, comprising 636 women and girls (18 Roma women and 13 women with disabilities) and 246 men and boys (13 Roma men).
- UNDP has strengthened the network of local coordinators of domestic violence across municipalities in Albania. This network enhances the capabilities of coordinators in managing cases of violence by facilitating information sharing and collaboration. By exchanging best practices and addressing common challenges, the network improves the overall effectiveness of efforts to address and prevent violence.
Project Outcomes
- Women and girls enjoy more effective preventive measures against violence in Albania.
- All women survivors and those at risk are better protected from all forms of violence and have equitable access to services in Albania.
- Responsible institutions and actors implement national policies and legislation on VAW in a more comprehensive, inclusive and coordinated way in Albania.