Call for Applications
Call for Applications
January 11, 2018
Regional Programme on Local Democracy (ReLOaD), a regional initiative financed by European Union and implemented by UNDP in six Western Balkans countries is entering in a new implementation phase in Albania. 12 Partner Municipalities (Tiranë, Durrës, Lezhë, Shkoder, Elbasan, Dibër, Tropojë, Librazhd, Prrejas, Korçë, Roskovec and Përmet) will open the First call for proposals for Civil Society Organisations in Albania within January 2018. Every partner municipality will publish the information regarding the Call together with the application package in their official website as well as in national and local media. In order to inform the civil society organizations for the application package and other technical details, the municipalities will organize Open days for civil society organizations.