Call for Proposals for NGOs on “Enhance access to justice for individuals from groups vulnerable to social exclusion through education on human rights and access to legal aid services”.

Enhance access to justice for individuals from groups vulnerable to social exclusion through education on human rights and access to legal aid services

Enhance access to justice for individuals from groups vulnerable to social exclusion through education on human rights and access to legal aid services

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Call for Proposals for NGOs on “Enhance access to justice for individuals from groups vulnerable to social exclusion through education on human rights and access to legal aid services”.

October 14, 2022

“Expanding Free Legal Aid to vulnerable Women and Men in Albania” - EFLAS Project implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and funded by Austrian Development Cooperation is launching a Call for Proposals to “Enhance access to justice for individuals from groups vulnerable to social exclusion through education on human rights and access to legal aid services”.

The Call has two (2) lots of deliverables:

  • Lot 1: Empowering vulnerable people and communities to claim their rights helping to fostering more accountable justice system that supports human rights and equal access to justice; and
  • Lot 2: Advancing access to justice and human right of vulnerable individuals through support to free legal aid services to seek and obtain remedy through specialized legal counsel and representation.

The Call is open to Albanian local organizations that promote, advocate and contribute to the empowerment and access to justice of vulnerable citizens so they can fulfill their rights, including within the formal justice system. Each NGO is encouraged to provide one proposal choosing one Lot considering its profile and accumulated experience with the aim to produce an added value to EFLAS Project.