"Trust in Governance" Opinion Poll 2019
"Trust in Governance" Opinion Poll 2019
May 11, 2020
“Trust in Governance 2019” Opinion Poll explores public perceptions on issues such as: trust in public institutions, institutional transparency and accountability, corruption, the level of citizen engagement in policy and decision-making, satisfaction with public service delivery, and enforcement of non-discriminatory laws and policies. The Opinion Poll was conducted during the months of November-December 2019, using a randomly selected nationally representative sample of 2500 respondents.
Sondazhi i opinionit publik "Besimi ne Qeverisje 2019" eksploron perceptimet publike mbi ceshtje si: besimi ne institucionet publike, pergjegjesia dhe transparenca institucionale, korrupsioni, niveli i perfshirjes se qytetareve ne vendimmarrje dhe politika, kenaqesia ndaj permbushjes se sherbimeve publike, si dhe zbatimi i ligjeve dhe politikave jo-diskriminuese. Sondazhi u krye gjate periudhes Nentor-Dhjetor 2019, duke perdorur nje kampion perfaqesues kombetar te zgjedhur rastesisht prej 2500 te anketuarve.