Local approaches to conflict prevention in the Arab States region

Local approaches to conflict prevention in the Arab States region
April 12, 2023
The United Nations Development Programme's Regional Burreau for Arab States (UNDP RBAS) and TrustWorks Global (TrustWorks) joined forces in 2021 - under the banner of their shared commitment to conflict prevention to mark ten years since the Arab Uprisings of 2011.
The Arab Uprisings have accelerated two inter-linked dynamics. First, the international peace and security architecture has been forced to adapt to evolving geo-political realities and the changing nature of conflict, requiring a deeper level of reflection and a greater capacity to learn from experience. Second, as national-level initiatives to prevent and resolve conflicts have become increasingly stalled or even frozen across the Arab States region, the efforts of local actors working at local levels have taken on an increasing degree of relevance and, indeed, urgency. Understanding how such actors can best be supported to prevent conflict, promote peace and foster social cohesion is thus imperative.