Cəmi Qadınlar Kişilər Xidmət müqaviləsi 62 38 28 BMTİP-in işçi heyəti 12 6 6 UNV 1 1 Ad / Soyad Vəzifə E-mail Rəhbərlik Slobodan Tadiç BMT-nin İnkişaf Proqramının Azərbaycandakı Rezident Nümayəndəsinin səlahiyyətlərini icra edən slobodan.tadic@undp.org Yeganə Quliyeva İnzibati məsələlər üzrə köməkçi yegana.guliyeva@undp.org Proqram bölməsi Şamil Rzayev Programme Analyst / Focus area: Enhanced institutional capacity for good governance(link is external) shamil.rzayev@undp.org Leyla Fəthi-Xoşqinabi Programme Analyst / Focus area: Sustainable and inclusive growth and decent work(link is external) leyla.fathi@undp.org Elnur Xəlilov Programme Analyst elnur.khalilov@undp.org Ayşən Əmədova Programme Assistant ayshan.ahmadova@undp.org Ceyhun Ələkbərov Communications Associate jeyhun.alakbarov@undp.org Elgün Tağıyev Peace and Development Advisor elgun.taghiyev@undp.org Əməliyyat bölməsi Sübhan Əhmədov Operations Manager subhan.ahmadov@undp.org Aysel Qənbərli Human Resources Associate aysel.ganbarli@undp.org Fikrət Xankişiyev Procurement Associate fikret.khankishiyev@undp.org Leyla Tağızadə Procurement/Admin. Assistant leyla.tagizade@undp.org Aytən Ələskərova Finance Associate aytan.alaskarova@undp.org Səbinə Əzizova Finance Associate sabina.azizova@undp.org Ülkər Cəmilli Administrative and Registry Clerk ulkar.jamilli@undp.org Layihə komandası Zaur Əliyev Project Manager / National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Support Project for adaptation planning and implementation in Azerbaijan zaur.aliyev@undp.org Cəvahir Muradova Project Assistant / National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Support Project for adaptation planning and implementation in Azerbaijan javahir.muradova@undp.org Hüseyn Daşpoladov Project Assistant / National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Support Project for adaptation planning and implementation in Azerbaijan huseyn.dashpoladov@undp.org Sərdar Hüseynov Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Associate sardar.huseynov@undp.org Nazim Məmmədov Project Manager nazim.mammadov@undp.org Natiq Məmmədov Project Assistant natig.mammadov@undp.org Tural Əhməd Project Associate tural.ahmad@undp.org Vüsalə Qarayeva Project Manager / Economic Empowerment for Entrepreneurship and Employment(link is external) vusala.garayeva@undp.org Günel Məmmədova Project Officer / Economic Empowerment for Entrepreneurship and Employment(link is external) gunel.mammadova@undp.org Cavanşir Abdulbəyov Project Driver javanshir.adbulbayov@undp.org İlqar Adgözəlov PROGRO Supervisor ilgar.adgozalov@undp.org Sevil Qasımova Project Manager / Empowering and creating equal opportunities for vulnerable, conflict affected women in Azerbaijan to overcome barriers towards greater economic and social participation Early Recovery (ER) Support sevil.gasimova@undp.org Nərminə Nuriyeva Project Assistant / Empowering and creating equal opportunities for vulnerable, conflict affected women in Azerbaijan to overcome barriers towards greater economic and social participation Early Recovery (ER) Support narmina.nuriyeva@undp.org Sima Cabbarova Project Officer/Empowering and creating equal opportunities for vulnerable, conflict affected women in Azerbaijan to overcome barriers towards greater economic and social participation sima.jabbarova@undp.org Nərmin Axundzadə Project Associate / Support to women-led community-based initiatives narmin.akhundzadeh@undp.org Cəmilə İbrahimova Project Manager / Developing Innovation-driven and Sustainable Civil Society in Azerbaijan(link is external) jamila.ibrahimova@undp.org Cəlalə Allahverdiyeva Project Officer / Developing Innovation-driven and Sustainable Civil Society in Azerbaijan(link is external) jalala.allahverdiyeva@undp.org Sanan Ağazadə Project Assistant / Developing Innovation-driven and Sustainable Civil Society in Azerbaijan(link is external) sanan.aghazadeh@undp.org Aygün Əhmədova Project Manager / Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Caucasus (UN Women) Phase II / Creating inclusive and decent jobs for socially vulnerable groups(link is external) aygun.ahmadova@undp.org Cavid Məmmədov Project Manager / Mayors for Economic Growth javid.mammadov@undp.org Fərid Abbasov Project Manager / Conservation and Sustainable Use of Globally Important Agrobiodiversity / EU4Lankaran - Promoting Competitiveness, Collaboration and Modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Lankaran Economic Region(link is external) farid.abbasov@undp.org Fariz Əliyev Project Driver fariz.aliyev@undp.org Günay Əliyeva Project Assistant gunay.aliyeva@undp.org Mobil Pəncəliyev Project Agriculture Specialist / EU4Lankaran - Promoting Competitiveness, Collaboration and Modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Lankaran Economic Region mobil.penjaliyev@undp.org Ramin Qənbərov Project Agribusiness Specialist / EU4Lankaran - Promoting Competitiveness, Collaboration and Modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Lankaran Economic Region ramin.qanbarov@undp.org Aybəniz Hüseyn Project Assistant / EU4Lankaran - Promoting Competitiveness, Collaboration and Modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Lankaran Economic Region aybaniz.huseyn@undp.org Eltəkin Ömərov Project Manager / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) eltekin.omarov@undp.org Zəhra Əmrahova Vocational Education Coordinator / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) zahra.amrahova@undp.org Könül Məmmədli Project Officer / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) konul.mammadli@undp.org Səbinə Xəlilova Project Assistant / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) sabina.khalilova@undp.org Cəfər Cəfərov Project Administrative Clerk / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) jafar.jafarov@undp.org Çinarə Quliyeva Private Sector Specialist / VET FOR THE FUTURE(link is external) chinara.guliyeva1@undp.org Vasif Məmmədov Project Manager / Modernisation of Sustainability and Efficiency of ICT infrastructure and ICT services in the Republic of Azerbaijan(link is external) vasif.mammadov@undp.org Gülzar Səlimova Project Assistant / Modernisation of Sustainability and Efficiency of ICT infrastructure and ICT services in the Republic of Azerbaijan(link is external) gulzar.salimova@undp.org Nərgiz Əliyeva Project Manager / Provision of early recovery assistance for protection and livelihoods, economic security for the conflict-affected population in Azerbaijan nargiz.aliyeva@undp.org Nailə Əsədova Project Finance Assistant naila.asadova@undp.org Cavad Əhmədov Project Assistant / Provision of early recovery assistance for protection and livelihoods, economic security for the conflict-affected population in Azerbaijan javad.ahmadov@undp.org Ülvi Bədəlov Project Manager / EU4Dialogue ulvi.badalov@undp.org Dilarə Sadıxova Project Assistant / Support to the Ministry of Health to strengthen healthcare procurement system in the country / Support to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance to strengthen healthcare procurement system in the country(link is external) dilara.sadikhova@undp.org Rəvan Həsənzadə Project Officer / Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in the Regions of Azerbaijan ravan.hasanzade@undp.org Aygün Seyidova Project Assistant / Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in the Regions of Azerbaijan aygun.seyidova@undp.org Kübra Məmmədzadə Projet Assistant / Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in the Regions of Azerbaijan kubra.mammadzadeh@undp.org Nuranə İsmayilova Project Assistant nurana.ismayilova@undp.org Fərid Əliyev Project Analyst farid.aliyev@undp.org Dilarə Umudova Communications Officer dilara.umudova@undp.org Leyla Qurbanova Communications and Visibility Specialist leyla.gurbanova@undp.org Röyal Yolçuzadə Project Manager / Establishing an Electronic System for Urban Planning Control royal.yolchuzada@undp.org Nilufər Talıbova Project Clerk, Establishing an Electronic System for Urban Planning Control nilufar.talibova@undp.org Emil Hacıyev Project Driver emil.hajiyev1@undp.org Tərlan İbrahimov Project Driver tarlan.ibrahimov@undp.org Pərvanə İsmayilova Pro Administrative and Finance Assitant parvana.ismayilova@undp.org Samir Cavadov Project Driver samir.javadov@undp.org Nurlan Musayev Monitoring and Evaluation Clerk nurlan.musayev@undp.org Aidə Nuriyeva Project Administrative Clerk aida.nuriyeva@undp.org Elmir Şükürov Procurement Clerk elmir.shukurov@undp.org Aysel Talıblı Project Assistant aysel.talibli@undp.org Aleksandra Yeqorova Project Assistant aleksandra.yegorova@undp.org ICT Helpdesk Ağasi Cəfərov ICT Manager agasi.jafarov@undp.org Tərlan Sultanov ICT Helpdesk helpdesk.az@undp.org Vadim Qəşimov ICT Helpdesk helpdesk.az@undp.org