GEF-SGP Call for Proposals for Community-Based Adaptation Projects
December 5, 2023
The GEF-Small Grants Programme, implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Royal Government of Bhutan, would like to announce its “Call for Proposals” for 2023 inviting Civil Society Organizations and Community-based Organizations to submit innovative and inclusive project proposals that will build resilience of communities to the impact of climate change.
The Strategic Goal of SGP, UNDP for Operational Phase 7 (2020-2023) is “to promote and support innovative, inclusive and scalable initiatives, and foster multi stakeholder partnerships at the local level to tackle global environmental issues in the priority landscape” and the 2023 call is specifically focused on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) Programmes.
Project proposals must be aligned with the SGP’s Country Programme Strategy and National Adaptation Plan of the Royal Government of Bhutan besides other relevant climate change adaptation policies and strategies of UNDP, government and others.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 03.00 PM, 8th January (Monday) 2024.
For further information, contact, GEF- Small Grants Programme, UNDP, Thimphu at 02-322424 [Extension 330/331] or e-mail to