2024 Youth Voices Matter

2024 Youth Voices Matter
April 5, 2024
In 2023, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Cambodia formulated a new Country Programme Document for the next five years 2024-2028. To gather insights, UNDP conducted a series of consultations with various stakeholders, including government entities, development partners, NGOs, think tanks, and the private sector. UNDP also held a series of youth activities to gather youth’s perspectives on development priorities for the next five years. This focus on youth was deemed crucial due to their significant representation in the total population. Indeed, young people under the age of 30 represent two-thirds of the population in Cambodia.
The youth online survey was the first activity launched to collect inputs from various youth groups on current development issues they experience or observe in their communities. It also aimed to identify their expectations and development priorities. Young people between the ages of 15 and 30 years participated in the survey from across Cambodia. It was posted online on UNDP platforms and social media and shared with various youth organisations, associations, and networks.
The results of the survey allowed UNDP to understand young people’s perception of their society and their expectations. It also highlighted their key development areas and priorities, providing insights into the real challenges that youth from different communities and socio-economic backgrounds experience. The results were used to inform the UNDP's new Country Programme and reflect young people’s perspectives in Cambodia.