Opening Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, UNDP Resident Representative

H.E. Bin Troachhey, Minister of Planning
Ms. Kristy Harris, Development Counsellor, Australian Embassy
Excellencies and colleagues,
I am delighted to represent UNDP at this event, which falls under our digital transformation support to accelerate sustainable development, namely the effectiveness and efficiency of the ID Poor Programme. The 546 tablets, software and hardware for the ID Poor platform will enhance the transparency and access to social protection for the most vulnerable.
The ICT equipment will improve the accuracy of data collection, the ease of handling information, and the timeliness of services and social packages’ delivery to those in need. It will also bring the service closer to the people, enabling subnational authorities and communes to collect data quickly and accurately and ensuring that those who cannot access information or travel to the centre are not left behind.
Excellencies and colleagues,
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNDP has collaborated extensively with key national institutions involved in social protection, notably the Ministry of Planning, to enhance various methodological and technical aspects of the ID Poor programme. For instance, in response to the pandemic, a first batch of 1,700 tablets was dispatched to the field to accelerate registration for the On-Demand ID poor, which enabled Provincial Departments of Planning and Communes/Sangkats to register new households eligible for receiving cash assistance. As a result, the funding allocation for this programme was increased from US$300 million to US$500 million, bringing the total to US$1.36 billion and benefitting more than 700,000 households from the COVID-19 cash transfer programme, which concluded in April 2024.
More recently, we provided technical assistance in setting up and testing the IDPoor digital monitoring system and delivered the capacity development needed to ensure efficient monitoring of the ID Poor programme, including procedures and data quality. UNDP has also been supporting the improvement of the complaint mechanism of the ID Poor programme and refining the IDPoor scoring system.
Excellencies and colleagues,
I want to take this opportunity to commend the Ministry for successfully implementing the digital ID poor programme. This programme has significantly expanded the reach of social protection in the Kingdom and enhanced people’s resilience. I would also like to recognise our strong partnership with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for promoting socio-economic resilience. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of many.
Thank you/ Saum Orkun.