Stakeholder Workshop on National Mine Action Policy 2026-2035

Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, Resident Representative, UNDP Cambodia

February 13, 2025

-    Excellency Dr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice President of the CMAA 
-    Excellencies and Distinguished Guests. 
The development of the National Mine Action Policy is an important strategic process that brings us all, the mine action stakeholders, together to discuss collectively the sector’s progress, challenges, priorities, and future goals. This process is thereby an opportunity to reflect on the implementation of the previous National Mine Action Strategy 2018-2025, learn from successes and shortcomings, and chart the way forward to strengthen collaborative efforts to accelerate the remaining task and address potential residual threats posed by “unknown” explosive ordnance post-2030. It is an investment in consistency, efficiency, accountability, and clarity about the sector’s evolution.

UNDP and its partners, Australia, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea, are proud to support the Cambodian Mine Action Authority in developing this policy. In today’s workshop, we will review it together to confirm its comprehensiveness, feasibility, inclusivity, and relevance to the sector's existing and emerging needs.

This National Mine Action Policy will guide the coordinated effort, alignment of resources, and positive impact of mine action on affected communities and the Kingdom’s development. The policy is all-inclusive and is structured around goals, namely, (1) clearing landmines and cluster munitions, (2) supporting victims, (3) expanding mine risk education, (4) promoting international cooperation in mine action, and (5) establishing needed national capacity to manage residual threats and ensuring that mine action activities are sustainable.

Excellencies and Distinguished Guests  

Quoting the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, “Peace without mine action is incomplete peace.” And “No one should have to live in fear of dying even after the fighting stops.” I, thus, urge the international community and the private sector to continue supporting the Royal Government in completing the clearance of landmines and ERW contamination. I also urge CMAA to ensure timely access to all known minefields to expedite results.

Excellency Ly thuch, UNDP remains committed to supporting your diligent efforts to address the remaining contamination and mitigate the residual threats of ‘unknown’ landmines and ERWs.

I wish you all engaging exchanges and look forward to the outcomes of your deliberations.

Thank you/Som Arkun