Zimbabwe solar clean water

About Us



The Chief Digital Office (CDO) was created in 2019 to enable, accelerate and promote digital transformation within UNDP and throughout its programmatic work. As part of the UNDP Executive Office, our areas of support cover five key pillars:



Advisory support

Tools and guidance to understand problems and opportunities.


Connections to vetted ready-to-deploy digital expertise within UNDP and via a roster.


Access to global partners and vendors as well as practical resources to get projects off the ground.

Knowledge sharing

Exposure to relevant, "best-of" examples from across UNDP and beyond.

Scaling support

Resources to scale projects nationally and globally.



Our team

Led by the Chief Digital Officer, our interdisciplinary team is made up of experts with diverse skills and capabilities across the digital transformation spectrum. We are committed to building a safer and more inclusive world for everyone, particularly by leveraging emerging technologies and innovation.



"Digital technologies have tremendous potential to advance progress towards achieving the SDGs. However, digital approaches must be implemented in a responsible and rights-based way so that they can benefit everyone everywhere. Our team is committed to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital journey."
Robert Opp Chief Digital Officer UNDP



Our digital

Seizing the opportunities emerging with rapid digital change, UNDP launched its Digital Strategy 2022-2025 in February 2022 premised on harnessing the power of digital technologies and innovation to respond more effectively to pressing development challenges. The strategy represents a strategic and systematic transformation process to reimagine the way UNDP serves its partners, operates its systems and performs its processes beyond project-level digital support. Particularly clear moving forward is that the future of development is digital.


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Our digital 

UNDP was the first in the UN System to adopt a “Digital by Default” approach, which is geared towards fully integrating digital into programming at both the country and corporate strategic levels. The Digital Advocates Network is a critical part of this effort, and is working to build an enabling ecosystem and culture of digital innovation in UNDP country offices, as well as Central and Regional Bureaux. Digital Advocates play a key role in strengthening knowledge exchange and responding to digital requests related to programmatic work. 

In addition, we have launched several digital initiatives to support this vision, including the Digital Fitness Programme, Digital X, Digital Standards, Lighthouse Initiatives and Digital Sprints, amongst others.