El Torno, La Mojana. Photo: Diego Mayorga for UNDP in Colombia.
· UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Crown Prince Haakon of Norway visits La Mojana to start a major environmental project.
· Mojana: climate and life will benefit more than 400.000 people in 11 districts in the departments of Antioquia, Córdoba, Bolívar and Sucre.
February 13, 2019.- The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the United Nations Development Programme -UNDP-, the Adaptation Fund and the Green Climate Fund commenced the implementation of the project ”Scaling up climate-resilient management practices for the vulnerable communities of La Mojana”, which will benefit more than 400,000 people vulnerable to climate change.
The opening of the event was led by Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, who is visiting the country to approach the realities of the most vulnerable communities and champion international mobilization towards the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
"One of the Sustainable Development Goals is about partnerships - how we work together. I think this goal is very important. Here in La Mojana, you illustrate the importance of partnership very well: it is clear how the government, local communities and UNDP are working together. In this sense, this project and the work you as Colombians are doing, is an inspiration to the world. Putting the Green Climate Fund to make a difference in local communities, such as here, is an inspiration," confirmed the Crown Prince.
For its part, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Ricardo Lozano said that this project is an example of how the interinstitutional articulation of the entities can contribute, through international cooperation, to create communities resilient to climate change, which translates into better living conditions for the population.
The USD$117 million project, which includes a contribution from the Green Climate Fund of USD$38.4 million and a counterpart contribution from the Colombian government, will be implemented by the Adaptation Fund of Colombia, with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and UNDP.
The project, approved by the Green Climate Fund in 2018, aims at benefiting families in eleven districts of La Mojana: Nechí (Antioquia); Ayapel (Córdoba); San Jacinto de Cauca, Achí and Magangué (Bolívar); Guaranda, Majagual, Caimito, San Benito, San Marco and Sucre (Sucre).
These populations will participate in the strengthening of water management, early warning systems and the creation of resilient livelihoods to climate change.
Edgar Ortiz, Manager of the Adaptation Fund stated: “we are committed to integral projects that not only contemplate infrastructure, but also include social actions that enable real improvement in the quality of life of the people, which is the main objective.“
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Ricardo Lozano, the manager of the Adaptation Fund, Edgar Ortiz, UNDP’s Resident Representative a.i. Pablo Ruiz and the regional and local authorities, visited the community of El Torno, in the district of San Marcos, and signed an act initiating the project, reaffirming their commitment to sustainability and climate change adaptation for the vulnerable communities of La Mojana.
Participants also learned about the progress and results of the project, "Risk reduction and vulnerability to climate change in Colombia", implemented by the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development and UNDP, financed by the Kyoto Protocol and implemented in three municipalities of La Mojana since 2013, whose results are scaled up in the project financed by the Green Climate Fund.
Mojana: climate and life, a project to improve water management
The project includes the adoption of a long-term strategy for adaptation to climate change and risk prevention, based on the restoration of ecosystem services for regional water management and the direct empowerment of vulnerable communities and authorities to manage climate risks.
The project will also share new tools and technologies, such as the use of solar energy and rainwater harvesting, to address long-term water supply problems.
Why La Mojana?
La Mojana is a territory of 500,000 hectares belonging to the departments of Antioquia, Bolívar, Córdoba and Sucre, where some of the poorest communities of Colombia live.
This region is part of the wetland complex of the Momposina Depression, which plays a fundamental role as regulator of the flows of the Magdalena, Cauca and San Jorge rivers.
La Mojana has 405,625 inhabitants, 83.8% of the population is classified as poor, and their livelihoods are vulnerable to climate dynamics. In addition, armed conflict in the region has affected local governance and community development.
Previously, tropical forests covered the high areas of the region. However, this has been extensively transformed for agricultural activities and extensive livestock.
For this reason, La Mojana was one of the Colombian regions most affected by the 2010 rainy season that coincided with the La Niña phenomenon, affecting 211,857 people (approximately half of the total population of the area) and causing the flooding of more than 20,000 homes.
Carmen Morales, Communications Coordinator, UNDP in Colombia carmen.morales@undp.org +57 313 4949805.
Nadia Rey, Communications-Sustainable Development Specialist UNDP in Colombia
nadia.rey@undp.org + 57 300 2848728.
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Viviana Ceballos, Communications of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
mceballos@minambiente.gov.co + 57 300 3679443
Adaptation Fund
Diego Herrera
diegoherrera@fondoadaptacion.gov.co +57 3118479102