UNDP has handed over thirteen new baling machines to the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure to help cities tackle plastic waste, which accounts for more than 15% of the total municipal waste in Ethiopia.
The equipment handover is part of the UNDP and Global Environment Facility-supported urban NAMA COMPOST project designed to promote greater use of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) approaches in Ethiopian cities.
Plastic waste poses a challenge to the environment, impacts health, and cities are facing damage to infrastructure through blocked drainage canals.
The bailing machines will go to five cities (Adama, Bahir Dar, Bishoftu, Dire Dawa and Hawassa) and contribute to the municipalities’ work to resolve the challenge due to non-biodegradable plastic waste.
Minister Chaltu Sani of the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure stressed the significant positive change for cities as they start using the baling machines.
The machines compress the plastics, making them three times smaller than the original volume. This means it is easier for small and medium enterprises engaged in waste collection to transport the plastics.
These businesses will therefore be more efficient, increasing the volume of business they can handle and helping them to earn more income from this venture.