Ethiopia's Institute of Leadership and Good Governance Graduates First Batch

March 4, 2018

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-The Institute of Leadership and Good Governance (ILG) graduated its first class of  67 students with Master of Art Degrees at a ceremony held in the Ethiopian Civil Service University.

The Institute is supported by UNDP and Government of France. In his message to the gradutes, UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Eugene Ows noted "UNDP Ethiopia is greatly honored to be associated with the Institute of Leadership and Good Governance (ILG). Our support is founded in our deep belief of the strategic importance of good governance as the linchpin for sustainable, green and equitable development. Another cornerstone for ensuring this development outcome is building strong and effective leadership at all levels and sectors. All these integrated areas are encapsulated in our new corporate tagline, ‘Empowered Lives. Resilient Nations’. "

Mr. Owusu underlined UNDP's committement to leverage its global networks, and particularly experience in promoting south-south cooperatiion in order to enhance the work of ILG. In light of this, he highlighted, "We feel privileged to have had the opportunity, in 2009, to facilitate visits for the ILG to leadership institutions in France, Syria, India and Thailand visited. In 2012 similar visits were organized to France and Germany. "

The ILG was set up in 2010 and has so far enrolled almost 200 students.