UNDP launches new governance programme for Ethiopia

December 14, 2019

UNDP Resident Representative Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie with State Minister Admassu Nebebe, Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has signed an agreement with the Government of Ethiopia to roll out support for a new five-year governance and democratic participation programme.

The programme, costing an estimated USD 40 million, is expected to further advance good governance and deeply embed democratic principles at all levels across the country.

The programme will focus on three pillars: Improved inclusion, social cohesion and sustainable peace; Responsive, accountable and inclusive sytesm of governance; and Empowered and responsible citizens.

Building on UNDP's past experience in the areas of good governance, the new programme seeks to bring about transformative outcomes through providing tailored and targeted support to help institutions deliver on their core mandates. 

The key focus areas of the intervention will be to strengthen governance institutions, mechanisms and processes that will facilitate and promote transparency, accountability, rule of law and justice, promote wider civic participation, dialogue, as well as national cohesion and peace.

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