Scaling up Climate Action and Climate Finance

Istanbul Development Dialogues

May 2024




Climate change poses significant challenges to Europe and Central Asia, with the region facing extreme weather events like floods, droughts and wildfires. The need for sustainable solutions has never been greater.  

These challenges are prompting countries to seek sustainable solutions, including the green transition and decarbonization, to meet both national and global climate goals. In response, nations are developing financial strategies to effectively implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

In light of these developments, the 2024 Istanbul Development Dialogues addresses the urgent theme of "Scaling up Climate Action and Climate Finance.” In partnership with the OECD and with the support of the Government of Türkiye, the IDD will convene discussions to advance strategic frameworks and increase climate and green finance.  

The event brings together government ministers and development experts to bolster understanding and cooperation among countries in the region, aligning national efforts with global climate ambitions and the Paris Agreement and scaling up climate finance to meet regional needs and priorities.


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    Istanbul, Türkiye, May 20, 2024 – Faced with a rapidly warming climate and extreme weather events, countries in Europe and Central Asia are seeking sustainable solutions to mitigate these impacts. To support these efforts, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), recognized for their decades-long work on climate change and green transition, are convening partners and stakeholders in Istanbul, Türkiye. These discussions, aimed at scaling up climate action and mobilizing climate finance, are set against the backdrop of the upcoming COP29, to be hosted by Azerbaijan from 11-22 November 2024. 

    This year's Istanbul Development Dialogues (IDD) gathers government officials, policymakers, climate and development experts, and development partners to bolster understanding and cooperation among countries in the region on top issues relevant to international climate change negotiations and international treaties, especially under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Through the IDD, the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and the OECD Istanbul Centre support the region in advancing climate-change related strategic frameworks and scaling up climate and green finance - key topics on the agenda of the international climate negotiations.  

    “A growing number of nations are actively seeking sustainable solutions to decarbonize their economies and accelerate the green transition to meet national and global climate goals," says Fabrizia Lapecorella, Deputy Secretary-General OECD. "The IDD brings together key stakeholders to chart a path forward that is both ambitious and achievable." 

    With Europe warming at twice the global average rate, and Central Asia experiencing rapid temperature increases and extreme weather events, the dialogues aim to catalyze sustainable solutions and financial strategies for the shift to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in the region. The success of these efforts’ hinges on ambitious NDCs, accelerated climate action, and inclusive socio-economic transformation. 

    “Ahead of COP29, the IDD is providing a platform for collaboration and innovation in the face of our climate crisis. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, we are developing actionable strategies that align with national and global climate goals,” said Steliana Nedera, Director, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub. 

    Ambassador Esen Altuğ, Director General for International Economic Affairs, expressed that they are particularly happy to see that the two İstanbul-based organizations, the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS and the OECD Istanbul Centre, are collaborating on issues related to the global sustainable development efforts. She emphasized the importance of a united approach by stating, “The convergence of multiple global challenges demands a comprehensive and well-coordinated response.” Furthermore, Ambassador Altuğ highlighted the necessity of collaboration across sectors: “It is imperative for governments, private sector, and international organizations to work together to address the root causes of global challenges.” 

    Launched in 2015 with the support of the Government of Türkiye, the IDD provides a collective platform for dialogue and cooperation on sustainable development issues. 

    #IDD2024 calls for a whole-society approach that aligns with climate goals and addresses climate finance needs, emphasizing integrated solutions that include youth, women and vulnerable communities.  

    The event focuses on aligning these efforts with the collective climate goals of the Paris Agreement and exploring financial strategies and instruments for the effective implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

    The OECD Istanbul Centre and the UNDP Regional Hub both enjoy the support and the strong partnership with Government of Türkiye, and the joint event furthers that cooperation. 

    Visit IDD’s landing page for updates on the Istanbul Development Dialogues and follow the conversation online using #IDD2024. 

    For media inquiries, please contact: 



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