Our focus
Across the region, public demand and expectation for more effective governance systems and delivery of high-quality public services is on the rise. At the same time, corruption, lack of transparency and varying levels of government responsiveness and effectiveness at all levels are persistent impediments to inclusive growth and development. Increasing centralization of authorities have also led to undermining of capacity and authorities at the local level, weakening already challenged local governance systems.
Simultaneously, governments are looking to innovations and technology to help streamline and improve governance systems. Across the region, all governments have introduced various forms of digitalization and technology applications, particularly to improve delivery of basic public services. However, digital divide and lack of readiness of public institutions to understand the opportunities and risks behind digitalization have also led to further increasing risks of social and economic divides, the spread of misinformation and disinformation and false narratives, and encroachment on privacy and human rights. The COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated digital development significantly in just a period of one year, also exposed the extent of digital divide and the lack of readiness of many public, private, academic, and civil society institutions, as well as communities and individuals particularly those in the fringes of development, to benefit from the opportunities of digitalization.
As countries and territories in the region accelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, improving the effectiveness of governance systems and building and sustaining peace become increasingly more significant to ensure just, inclusive and peaceful societies.
Our goals
UNDP works to empower nations, communities and individuals to make their own informed, sustainable choices, towards more inclusive and resilient societies where the social contract is preserved and governments hold themselves accountable in serving all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, and social and economic class. We work to increase public participation in decision-making at all levels, and to support gender-responsive institutions and policies, towards a stronger and more inclusive social contract. We work to strengthen the rule of law, ensure efficient and fair justice systems, and support the promotion and protection of human rights for all.
In depth
In all our work, digital transformation, gender sensitivity, governance innovations, and youth empowerment provide cross-cutting approaches that help further contextualize, adapt and target development solutions that we employ at regional, national and local levels.
What we do
UNDP works with partners in Europe and Central Asia in the following areas:
Accountable, Inclusive and Effective Governance
- Support inclusive, whole-of-society approach to digital transformation;
- Combat corruption and increase transparency;
- Facilitate effective decentralization and strengthen local governance capacities;
- Strengthen e-governance and public service delivery, and foster open governance and the use of open data;
- Strengthen the capacity of civil society;
- Support efforts to reform and improve the functioning of parliaments and increase women’s equal political participation;
- Support inclusive political processes including civic engagement and electoral support;
- Empower young men and women as future leaders and agents of change.
Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
- Sustain peace, recovery and confidence-building;
- Explore development solutions to preventing violent extremism;
- Addressing misinformation, disinformation, false narratives and hate speech
- Strengthening social cohesion
- Enhancing conflict sensitive policies and development programming
Rule of law, justice, security and human rights.
- Strengthen national systems of human rights protection;
- Improve people’s access to justice and reform legislative and justice systems;
- Enhance community security and reduce armed violence;
- Prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence;
- Support transitional justice in places with a legacy of conflict;