Gender equality in COVID-19 response in Europe and Central Asia

Gender equality in COVID-19 response in Europe and Central Asia
February 26, 2021
Socio-economic impact assessments, undertaken by UN agencies to support governments in the Europe and Central Asia region, show that the pandemic has had a profound and disproportional impact on women and girls. They have suffered higher rates of unemployment, rising levels of violence within the home and a sharp increase in unpaid care and domestic work.
‘Progress at risk: Gender equality in COVID-19 response in Europe and Central Asia’ presents regional trends and examines the pandemic’s socio-economic impact from a gender perspective. The regional policy advocacy paper analyses a range of COVID-19 documents and offers comprehensive policy recommendations for a gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery, which is essential to building an equitable and resilient future.
This paper is a collaborative effort of the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office.