About Us
About UNDP in Indonesia
UNDP believes that the people of Indonesia should have ownership over the programmes and projects we support. All UNDP programmes therefore actively promote the spirit of mutual respect, support and accountability and subscribe to the principle of national ownership as enshrined in the Jakarta Commitment – a declaration put forward by the government and its development partners in 2009 to strengthen aid effectiveness in Indonesia. In the true spirit of national ownership, all of UNDP’s assistance in Indonesia is implemented by national entities, including line ministries and the Ministry of National Planning and Development, and at the subnational level by line departments, provincial and district authorities as well as community groups. While each programme supported by UNDP has specific and varied objectives, capacity development is one aim that all UNDP programmes – in Indonesia and worldwide – have in common. This takes on many forms including institutional reform, leadership development, education, and training for members of the public such as journalists, and women’s communities. In line with this logic, UNDP advisers work side by side with Indonesian counterparts to strengthen capacities in technical matters, policy formulation and budget planning, amongst others.
What do we want to accomplish?
As articulated in our global tagline, “Empowered Lives. Resilient Nations.” UNDP prides itself on promoting transformational change in developing nations by working both at grass-root levels with communities, while at the same time building institutional capacities and providing policy advice to our partner governments. By linking policy with practice, we believe, we can create real impact for the people of Indonesia.
What are our results?
UNDP is at the service of Indonesia and its people. We are committed to support Indonesia’s national priorities and the implementation of Government of Indonesia’s Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019 and other national and local development visions, strategies and plans.
UNDP works to support Indonesia’s fight against poverty, promote inclusive economic growth, reduce inequalities between groups and regions, and help achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 across the country.
Examples of recent achievements include:
- UNDP facilitated strategic partnership between local governments and 37 CSOs to provide basic services, particularly for remote communities, in Papua and West Papua. This partnership has reached 114 communities and covered services including: community economic empowerment through coconut oil production, fish farming, improvement of early education through village schools and the development of basic infrastructure. UNDP also facilitated the establishment of 18 community resource centres to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners at the village level.
- UNDP helped train more than 1,000 district government officials, local parliamentarians and NGO leaders to use poverty maps, MDG scorecards and pro-poor budget analysis for their planning and budgeting. As a result, budget allocation for human development activities in the 18 districts increased by an average of 17 percent. UNDP is working with the GoI to promote integrate a pro-poor model of planning, budgeting, and monitoring across all provinces and districts of the country.
- Since 2006, UNDP has provided critical support to Indonesia’s national HIV/AIDS programme, helping to establish the National AIDS Commission and channel multi donor resources through the Indonesia Partnership Fund. With the help of UNDP’s support, in 2010 the Commission was assessed as having sufficient capacity to manage donor funds directly. The substantial improvements in capacity, coordination and funding are beginning to have an impact on the country; i.e. the proportion of the population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS increased from 2.6% in 2007 to 19.8% in 2010 for females and 1.4% to 20.3% for males. Additionally, the rate of new HIV cases per year decreased from 4,969 in 2008 to 2,753 in 2010.
- UNDP has also supported the publication of a policy paper on Women’s Participation in Politics and Government. The publication formed part of a series of advocacy and programmatic activities supported by UNDP to promote gender equity and women’s empowerment.