LAPOR! Goes to Campus Aims to Promote Youths Participation on the Complaint Handling Services

August 28, 2023

Jatinangor, 23 August 2023 – The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPANRB), UNDP Indonesia, and KOICA through tripartite cooperation in of "KOICA-UNDP Partnership for Capacity Development for an Integrated National Complaint Handling System (SP4N-LAPOR!) in Indonesia" held LAPOR! Goes to Campus. The activity is a part of public outreach and advocacy to increase public awareness and participation of youths in using the People's Online Aspirations and Complaint Services (SP4N-LAPOR!).

Around 2,000 participants joined the event in person, including students of IPDN Jatinangor and other universities within the Jatinangor area, as well as representatives from SP4N-LAPOR's five ministries/institutions and local governments in West Java Province, Bandung City and Regency, and Sumedang Regency. About 550 participants also joined virtually through Zoom from invited local government and universities nationally. LAPOR! Goes to Campus agendas include a Public Lecture Seminar on "Digitalization of Public Service Complaint Handling", a Talk Show on "Youth and Participation in Public Service Delivery", and a public service complaint handling exhibition and art performances within the venue. 

Referring to the Public Satisfaction Survey launched last March, users of the SP4N-LAPOR! are dominated by the age group under 35 years by 60% and around 17 to 25 years by more than 20%. The number shows youths use technology actively in conveying their concerns about the quality of public services. Thus, increasing efforts to increase the participation of youths is strategic, including for students in institutions such as the Institute of Home Affairs Governance, who will be dealing with public services.

In his remark, the Minister of PANRB, Abdullah Azwar Anas underlined that SP4N-LAPOR! is a bridge of the public service revolution. The Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Indonesia, Sujala Pant, in her remark also added, "the participation of youths with high technological awareness is very important, where youths can become advocates for change in the implementation of good governance."

The seminar session, led by the Deputy for Public Services of KemenPANRB, Diah Natalisa, presented important messages, especially the role of youths to increase the use of digitalization tools to improve the public complaint. Other presenters come from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and Provincial Inspectorate of West Java.  

Then, the talk show with theme "Youth and Participation in the Implementation of Public Services" explored the premise of the involvement of youths in marginalized communities, such as youth with disability. As a content creator a stand-up comedian, Neneng Risma Wulandari, encouraged participants to be actively and creatively more involved, “it’s important to involve many youths, namely local influencers, to introduce SP4N-LAPOR! Platform to their peers and familiarize the youths on using the platform and conveying their aspirations of public services.” In addition, Regional Secretary of Sumedang Regency, Herman Suryatman emphasized that providing accessible features for people with disability to use the platform will increase their participation.

The Country Director of the KOICA Indonesia Office, JEONG, Yun-Gil, also expressed his supports in the increasing active participation of youth groups in SP4N-LAPOR!. Mr. Jeong mentioned, “complaints delivered in platforms like SP4N-LAPOR! can suggest solutions for citizens in public service quality through open governance system.”

In parallel, the event showcased initiatives and achievements through a public service exhibition from five ministries and agencies, IPDN, universities, and local government, including West Java Province, Bandung City and Regency, and Sumedang Regency.

SP4N-LAPOR! can be accessed through several channels, including website (, SMS on 1708, social media (Twitter and Instagram at @lapor1708), as well as mobile applications based on Android and iOS.

Media Contact:
Muhammad Iqbal, OIC for National Project Manager SP4N-LAPOR!, UNDP Indonesia