SP4N-LAPOR! reach 1.9 million of Users, UNDP, KOICA and KemenPANRB is committed to bolster just and inclusive public services

December 20, 2023
SP4N-LAPOR! reach 1.9 million of Users

Jakarta, 20 December 2023 – UNDP Indonesia, leading United Nations organization fighting to end injustice of poverty, inequality and climate change is currently holding the 3rd Annual Workshop for SP4N-LAPOR! an online aspirations and complaint services platform. The tripartite collaboration between UNDP, KOICA and the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPANRB) has been accelerating the implementation and advancement of the platform, including amplifying the platform to the general public through campaigns and socialization. This annual workshop is intended to strengthen the collaboration among involved stakeholders to deliver more quality and just public services with ‘no wrong door policy’.

After four years of the collaboration, SP4N-LAPOR! resulted in some significant milestones, including:

  1. The current user base has reached 1.9 million.

  2. Embracing an average of 41% female participation in the project’s public events, making it more inclusive for various groups, including women, youth, and persons with disabilities (PwD).

  3. Extending connections to approximately 544 local government units throughout Indonesia, marking an 18% increase from the baseline of 460 local government units.

  4. Reducing the turnaround time for complaints from 14 days to only 5 days.

Resident Representative of UNDP Indonesia, Norimasa Shimomura emphasizes the need of platform advancement despite of its promising result, “SP4N-LAPOR! still has a potential to become even stronger, despite our inclusive endeavors, SP4N-LAPOR! can benefit from broader usage and representation, enabling every individuals, (and) citizens in Indonesia to use the system and voice their concerns and suggestions. Furthermore, SP4N-LAPOR! performance could improve by embracing innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can reduce repetitive administrative works and accelerate the resolution of complaints."

The advancement of SP4N-LAPOR! is also reflected towards the annual workshop theme “Sustainability of SP4N-LAPOR! and Maximizing Roadmap Performance Post-2023, which is all the implementing partners already agreed upon to keep the implementation and its quality sustainable after concluded the project by end of this year.

This annual workshop brought together federal state ministries and institutions, representatives of the regional governments of the Republic of Indonesia, and communities on a full-day agenda that included a thematic talk show and focus group discussion. During this event also, UNDP, KOICA and KemenPANRB launched the SP4N-LAPOR! E-Learning Platform, followed by the socialization of SP4N-LAPOR!’s Simpul HUB, Indicator Monitoring and Evaluation, and Technical Modules for the public that will ensure the sustainability of SP4N-LAPOR! within the national and sub-national levels.

Acting Deputy of Public Services of PANRB, Mr. Herman, emphasized that, “in order to maintain SP4N-LAPOR! sustainability, it is important to have a vigorous commitment to be an agent of change to advance public policy.” In addition to KemenPANRB remark, Mr. Jeong, Yun-Gil, Country Director of KOICA Indonesia Office further underlined, “the advancement of a comprehensive national complaint handling system through citizen participation, like SP4N-LAPOR! will improve the system as a whole.”

Norimasa also highlights the importance of SP4N-LAPOR! to align with the fulfillment of the 16th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, “UNDP will remain committed to help building the institutions that are just, effective, and accountable at all levels to create a society where no one leaves behind.” He concluded.

SP4N-LAPOR! can be accessed through several channels, including website (www.lapor.go.id), SMS on 1708, social media (Twitter and Instagram at @lapor1708), as well as mobile applications based on Android and iOS.

Text by: SP4N-LAPOR!, UNDP Indonesia  
Edited by: Devi Nugraha, Communications Analyst UNDP Indonesia.