
Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment



Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

UNDP has been working with the Government of Indonesia at the national and
sub-national level in its efforts to achieve sustainable development, and in ensuring a
fair distribution of development opportunities and benefits. In doing so, Gender
Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) are applied in programmatic interventions, and
competencies around GESI are also being promoted for partners, including
Government counterparts.


UNDP Indonesia PSEAH Video Circulation Guide

  1. This video serves as a communication and educational resource from UNDP Indonesia about Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) for personnel, partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the general public involved or exposed to UNDP initiatives and activities.
  2. The video is freely accessible via the following link: https://undpidn.info/PSEAH_UNDP
  3. As part of the United Nations, UNDP and its partners are obligated to ensure that all parties are safe from SEAH.
  4. This video explains the concept of SEAH and provides illustrations of potential SEAH incidents that may occur.
  5. It also contains information on reporting channels if you experience or become aware of SEAH incidents related to UNDP activities or personnel.
  6. We encourage UNDP Indonesia's partners and stakeholders to use this video to educate the public and relevant parties about PSEA. For further discussion on the video content, policies, and additional references on PSEA at UNDP, you can visit the following page: https://www.undp.org/accountability/prevention-and-response-sexual-misconduct
  7. To report SEAH incidents related to UNDP activities or personnel, you can submit a report to the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigation via the following link: https://secure.ethicspoint.eu/domain/media/en/gui/104807/lang.html
  8. To contact UNDP Indonesia PSEAH Focal Points, please refer to the #NoExcuse poster at the following link: Download Poster
  9. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the content or circulation of this video, please contact the UNDP Indonesia PSEAH Focal Points mentioned above.
PSEAH CTA A2-Poster-for-web

#NoExcuse poster