From Conflict to Peace and Stability: Lesson from UNDP's support to people-centered policing in Iraq


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From Conflict to Peace and Stability: Lesson from UNDP's support to people-centered policing in Iraq

September 7, 2024

After years of turmoil, the Iraqi government, its people and especially the youth, aspire to lasting peace and stability, economic growth and development in Iraq and the region. Ensuring safety and security through a trusted, accountable, and effective security sector that upholds the rule of law and protects human rights is a government priority for ensuring Iraq’s transition from instability and conflict towards a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Central to these efforts is the transformation of the Iraqi Police Agency (the Police) from a militarized “fighting force” into a rights-respecting police service. The Police is a key interface between the state and society, and people's perceptions and experiences with the Police directly affect their trust in the state and its institutions to deliver on their basic needs. Recognizing the critical role of the Police in the country’s recovery, the government embarked on a plan to transform the Police into a trusted, effective, accessible and accountable service capable of delivering quality justice and security for all, especially the most vulnerable.

Document Type
Regions and Countries